baby trend sit and stand

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Results 41-50 from 502 articles

Double And/or Sit-Stand Stroller

E. asks from Madison

I am looking for a compact, easy to transport stroller for my infant and toddler. I'm intrigued with the sit-stand stoller and would appreciate feedback from anyone ...


Seeking Info on Sit N Stand Strollers

W.W. asks from Denver

Hi, I have a 3 yr old son who's turning 4 soon. I'm expecting a baby in November and I've been thinking about purchasing a Sit N Stand type stroller. Has anyone use...


Opinions on a Sit N Stand Stroller

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

I have a son who will be 3 at the end of February and I just had a daughter 3 1/2 weeks ago. I had been thinking about getting the Baby Trend Sit n Stand LX stroller....


Sit and Stand Vs. Double Stroller

A.W. asks from Chicago

Hi moms! I have some questions about stroller options. For a long time my almost 3 year old has refused to ride in the stroller. Now that her little sister is 6 mo...


The Inside Scoop on Sit N Stand Strollers

S.G. asks from St. Louis

I have an almost 3 year old and another baby on the way. I have heard a lot about sit n stand strollers and am interested in purchasing one for our family. Does any o...


Sit N' Stand Vs. Double Stroller

H.T. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms! We are about to have our 2nd child, and need to get either a sit and stand or a double stroller. My son is 2 and a half and we are very active....I know ...


Advice on "Sit 'N Stand" Style Strollers

L.B. asks from Gainesville

I have a 10 month old and 3 year old, so I've recently started shopping around for a Sit 'N Stand style stroller because my oldest is getting too big to sit in a norm...


Sit N Stand Stroller - for What Age?

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 25 months old, and my 2nd is due any day. I like the idea of the Sit n Stand Stroller, but is my toddler too young for it? He is an active little boy, so ...


Sit N Stand, Double or Single Stroller?

S.C. asks from Seattle

I have a three month old and a almost four year old boy. Would like to get some exercise and also get the kids outside. My preschooler is only 40 inches and 35 pounds...


Sit and Stand Stroller Which One to Buy?

C.T. asks from Portland

I have a 2 yr and a 1yr and want to buy a sit and stand stroller but which one. We have a double stroller Graco and it's ok but my 2 yr gets tired of stitting alot . ...

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Answer Highlights

  • joovy ultralight caboose in 2 answers "I have no idea now how the joovy ultralight caboose is, but it looks pretty good."
  • baby trend sit and stand in 2 answers "I decided to go with the Baby Trend Sit and Stand stroller."
  • joovy sit and stand in 2 answers "I have a Joovy sit and stand. I drive a Pontiac Grand Am and it fits just fine in ..."
  • sit and stand stroller in 4 answers "i was given on older babytrend sit and stand stroller by a friend after i had my second ..."
  • sit and stand stroller in 4 answers "I have and love my Baby Trend Sit and Stand stroller!"