baby sleeping problem

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Results 81-90 from 17,943 articles

Sleeping Arangement

E.S. asks from Allentown

My son is 23 months and I am due with a baby girl in a week. Our son sleeps with me and my husband at night, but naps fine on his own. I really want him to learn to...


Sleeping on My Back

S.A. asks from Denver

I am 18 weeks along with my 2nd child, and I keep finding myself sleeping on my back in the middle of the night when I awake. I move back to my side each time I awake...


Sleeping Positions / Sleeping Through the Night

S.P. asks from Phoenix

I have been hearing of a lot of moms who put their babies to sleep on their tummys. Everyone ended up sleeping better and longer. I have been too worried to try it...


Sleeping- Update

B.C. asks from Dallas

I have previously made some posting regarding my son sleeping and letting him cry it out. He is 20 mths olds and went threw a horrible sleep pattern for 2 mths and w...


Children Sleeping

M.M. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi i have a 5 year old and a 2 1/2 year that wont sleep in there 5 year old sleeps in her bed for maybe 2 hours at the most and my 21/2 has not been sleeping ...



V.W. asks from Roanoke

I have a 9 month old and all of a sudden he is taking 20 min naps several times a day verses taking 2hr nap in afternoon and 2hr nap in the morning. Is this normal. A...


Sleeping Through the Night

A.N. asks from New York

Everyone keeps telling me that my 6 month old should be sleeping through the night by now. She gets up at least once a night. I just cant seem to get her to make it t...


Sleeping Through the Night

N.M. asks from Austin

I have a 6 and half month old little boy. He was a great sleeper from about 2 to 3 months old, sleeping between 6 to 8 hours in a row, then at about 4 months started...


Baby Not Sleeping

S.J. asks from Cleveland

HI,my son is 9months,and he is NOT sleeping. I am up till 5-6am most nights with him,yes he is teeting but we took him to the doc and she seems to think he cant breat...


Sleeping Problems

K.S. asks from Los Angeles

I have an 11 month old baby, who never had issues with sleep. She was sleeping 6 to 7 hours at 2 weeks old. For the past 2 weeks, she does not like sleeping in her cr...

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