baby name search

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Results 71-80 from 4,762 articles

Baby Name Ideas

S.B. asks from Rochester

We are having our second little boy on December 19th. I am at a loss for names because my family is so huge and our church is huge and my husband's family only has b...


I Was Looking at Suggestions on How to Spell My Son's Name JD

M.S. asks from Miami

The innitials are my late fathers JD, so i want to name my son JD but whats the best way to spell that, Jaydee, J-Dee or should i just leave it as JD? Suggestions?


Hair Bow Business Name- Suggestions??

A.E. asks from Biloxi

I'm wanting to start selling hair bows I make for my 3 girls. I wanted to start out with a Facebook page first before diving into Etsy but I'm still stuck on a name! ...


Boy's Name Meaning "Second Son"

C.S. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas! Does anyone know of a boy's name meaning "second son"? My husband and I lost our first son the day before Valentine's day when I delivered him at only 2...


Will You Please Help Name Our Puppy? (Jff)

C.D. asks from Atlanta

Hello ~~ I know there are a lot of important questions here but I'd like to ask your opinion -- I got a cute little 10 week puppy on Mother's Day which I picked out ...


Need Boy Name Suggestions...Please!

K.F. asks from Minneapolis

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you all about a baby girl name my husband and I were going back and forth on, Isla Grace. We got some great advice/opinions/suggetions...


The Last Name of an Unborn Child When the Mother Is Married and Has a Boyfriend.

S.B. asks from Dallas

Legally in the State of Texas, will the mother of have to put her husbands last name as her childs last name on the birth certificate, even if it is not the husbands ...


Marrying in June and Children What to Change Their Name Too...

C.M. asks from Providence

I have two children, 6 and 9, who want to have their name changed too when I get married in June. They haven't seen their father in over two years. He still pays ch...


Search for Daycare Is Not Going Well – Help!

K.K. asks from Chicago

I’m about to be a mommy in March and can only take off three months from work, so I will need to put my baby in daycare around June. As a first time parent I had n...


Search for Nanny or Home Day Care Center

V.H. asks from Chicago

Hello, I'm the mother of a 4 month old girl who's been searching for a sitter when I go back to work. I've been off of work since September and will unfortuntat...

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