babies crawl

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How Hard/ Fast Do Active Babies Breathe?

J.E. asks from Los Angeles

Now that my baby is crawling around, she is breathing heavier, and sounds wheezy. She always seems to sound like if she just cleared her throat, it would go away. She...



J.P. asks from Orlando

When is the apropriate time for an infant to begin to crawl on his own?? What if he HATES tummy time???



C.L. asks from Phoenix

My son just turned 8 months and refuses to crawl..What can I do to help him out?



R.J. asks from Knoxville

how old do most baby normally start crawling or even start to try to crawl??? my baby is almost 9 months and dont try to crawl and will get up in the crawling positio...


Crawling/tummy Time

J.T. asks from Hartford

hi my 6 month old doesnt seem to want to crawl. when i put him on his belly he freaks after a minute and cries. it seems he only wants to stand up holding on to furni...



M.R. asks from Provo

When did your child learn to crawl? My 8 1/2 month old is not yet. I'm not actually worried about it because he is progressing well. He is super ahead in other area...


10 Month Old Not Crawling

S.J. asks from Jackson

My baby is 10 months old and is not crawling yet. Her pediatrician says she is okay, but she is heavier than most babies her age (95 percentile for weight), but, she ...


Not Rolling over Yet at 5 Months

A.E. asks from Des Moines

My dd is not rolling over yet. I am a bit worried... she is 5 months and most other babies have been doing this for about a month or longer. She has rolled from her t...


Not Crawling Causes Problems Later?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

So I asked a question regarding crawling, and accompanying some of the answers were statements that it didn't really matter if baby crawled, some movement is suffice ...


Crawling Question

J.N. asks from Columbia

Hi everyone my daughter will be 9 months on Wednesday and she is not crawling. I am a first time mother and all the other babies I know are crawling. I just need to k...

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