babies crawl

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Seeking Advice for Babies Who Have GERD

G.M. asks from Washington DC

Anyone out there have any tips or can share experiences with their infant having GERD?


When Do Babies Sleep Thru the Night?

L.M. asks from Phoenix

I have a 7 week old, and I was just wondering when I can look forward to the blessed day when she sleeps through the night with regularity? Two nights ago, it was a ...


Babies at NFL Games

H.F. asks from San Antonio

Hi Moms! I have a 4 month old that's very mellow. He's happy hanging out in public places as long as mom or dad carries him or is in sight. He's done well at all t...


It Is a Good Thing Babies Are Cute! How Do I Get Her to Sleep More?

S.J. asks from Tucson

My baby is 9 months old and has really started keeping us up at night. As an infant she only got up once per night to nurse and went right back to sleep. Now she is ...


Carpet Burn on Babies Legs and Feet

J.S. asks from Dallas

I have all ceramic tile and some carpet in my house. My 8 month old son has carpet burn on his legs and top of his feet. They stay red all of the time because of hi...


For Those with Older babies...when Did Your Baby Sleep Through the Night

J.T. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mamas. My son is 9 months old. He was a great sleeper from the beginning and was sleeping 10 hours straight every night from about 2.5 months on. That is, until...


To All the Mamas Who Got Their Babies to Sleep Well Early On...

A.D. asks from Norfolk

I'm expecting number 2 in 7 weeks, and my husband and I are trying to prepare as best we can for getting her to sleep better than our first did. He didn't sleep all...


Moms Who've Co-slept with Older Babies

A.H. asks from Norfolk

My almost 11 month old dd still sleeps in my bed. The problem is that now she's super mobile, but not old enough to climb down safely. so I have her blocked between m...



J.H. asks from Houston

How old where your children when they started to crawl?


Do Any Other Moms Have Their Babies Sleeping in Their Beds???

S.Z. asks from New York

My 5 month old is not too fond of the crib....What have other mothers done??

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