arthritis glucosamine

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Results 31-40 from 77 articles

Bichon Frieze Knee Problem

H.H. asks from Boca Raton

Does anybody know if Glucosimine would possibly help my my dog with a luxated patella problem in stage I ? Maybe someone has tried other suppliments and they helped ?


Knee Pain

C.K. asks from Knoxville

Hi Moms, I just started running 4 weeks ago, 3 times per week, about 30 minutes per day. I am doing the couch to 5k program which does intervals of walking and jogg...


For Any of You with Older Dogs

S.E. asks from New York

are there any specific joint pills/treats that any of you give to your dogs. my yellow lab is almost 10 and we're starting to see stiffness in his joints when he get...


Joint Supplements That Really Work

S.R. asks from Washington DC

I am starting to have knee pain. I have no injuries, but I am in my 50's and my knees hurt from skiing and living a very active lifestyle. Please don't try to sel...


Creaking Knees

M.M. asks from Dallas

morning, ive noticed her lately that when i bend my knees make like a "creaking" noise, it doesnt hurt or anthing, its just wierd, i am 30 years old if that matte...


Achy Joints After Pregnancy

K.H. asks from Chicago

Hello all, I'm wondering if any of you have had achy joints after pregnancy. I've done some research and it seems pretty common (due to hormonal fluctuations), but mo...


What Could Be Wrong with My Hip?

S.A. asks from Chicago

My hip has been bothering me for about six weeks. It just up and started hurting one evening after I finished a long walk with my friend. I'd been walking frequentl...


Joint Pain

G.C. asks from Los Angeles

I have an almost 1 year old who is still nursing. I am currently weaning, and have noticed that my joints are really starting to hurt--almost like someone is stabbin...


What Does This Sound like to You?

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Ok, so I'm not asking for a medical diagnosis, just your lay opinions... :) Does this sould like osteoarthritis to you? I have had pain in both shoulders for ...


I Hurt

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Both of my shoulders and both of my knees HURT. Sometimes it's a stabbing pain upon a certain movement, sometimes it's an aching/burning pain. At night, it's the ...

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Answer Highlights

  • glucosamine chondroiton in 2 answers "I take a glucosamine/chondroiton extra strength for 50+ supplement and that helps ..."
  • horrible joint pain in 2 answers "I used to have horrible joint pain, especially in my hips, but I don't any more."
  • year old mutt in 2 answers "My 12 year old mutt has pretty bad osteoarthritis."
  • rheumatoid arthritis in 2 answers "I have 2 thoughts, based on experiences of people I know. Rheumatoid arthritis is ..."
  • talk to your vet in 2 answers "This is the time to talk to your vet about Rimadyl."