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Results 71-80 from 907 articles

'Babywise' Questions

E.H. asks from Kansas City

I am a little concerned at all of the emails I see recommending the 'BabyWise' book and philosophy. I was warned multiple times in childbirth & newborn care classes ...


Response to an Annoying Remarks by a Librarian

N.T. asks from Washington DC

Hello all moms out there I want to bring into your attention an annoying experience we had yesterday afternoon. A librarian passed annoying remarks about my 2 years...


Looking for Book About Puberty & Sex for Boys

H.H. asks from Dallas

I made it through with my daughter and I know there is a great American girl book for girls about puberty etc. but I am having a hard time fnding one for my son. He i...


Looking for a Good Sex Ed Tool! Help!

K.B. asks from Chicago

Hi, I have decided to tackle the subject of sex with my almost 12 year old daughter. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good book to help us through this process? ...


Toddler Inappropriately Bringing up Race/ethnicty - What to Do?

E.K. asks from Seattle

My 2.5 year old is starting to notice race - specifically African-Americans. On 2 recent occasions, she has seen an African American and said "Are you black?" (over a...


Seeking Helpful Hints for Having Two Mandarin-speaking Children

R.J. asks from Washington DC

Kind of a long story, but we are receiving two foster children tomorrow, aged 3 and 5, who are American-born and only speak Mandarin. Does anyone have experience w...


What Are Your Kids Reading This Summer?

R.D. asks from Richmond

My almost 6 year old and 7 year old daughters LOVE reading (YAY!! Bookworms like their mommy!) The almost 6 year old is very competitive with her sister, so they're j...


Book Recommendations for My 9 Year Old Daughter

M.T. asks from Dallas

My daughter is 9 and we would love some new ideas on some good books. She has read a lot of the American Girl series, the Mandie books (excellent!), and some others. ...


Politically and Morally Correct Way to Explain Homosexuality to Children

S.A. asks from Chicago

I have been thinking about this lately, as my oldest is 10 and will eventually ask me about this topic. As far as I know, she is unaware that homosexuality exists. ...


My 1St Grader **HATES** Reading!

T.R. asks from Denver

I'm looking for some motivational tools to help my daughter want to read / want to learn how to read. Whenever we try to sit down with her to read she is always beati...

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