again sport

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Results 41-50 from 4,673 articles

Seeking Info on Sport Activities for Kids

L.N. asks from Phoenix

I am a mother a 4, and 2 of the kids are in school. My son who is 12 wants to be in sports and my daughter who is 9 also wants to be in sports. I moved here and have ...


Looking for Sport Activities for 2 Year Olds

T. asks from Dallas

My little boy would rather play with bats, balls, baseball gloves, and helmets rather than watch cartoons or cars. He will sit and watch a basketball game for hours m...


Medical Release Form

A.H. asks from Dallas

How can I get a medical release form for my son's sport team?


Sports for 4 Year Olds

G.A. asks from Lakeland

hi mamasources just wondering if anybody in the Lakeland area knows of any kind of sport or activity my son can be in at the age of 4?


Trying to Find an Extra Curricular Program for My 3 Yr Old (Montrose Area)

L.P. asks from Houston

I want to sign my daughter up for some sort of sport. However I dont really know what a 3 yr old should do. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.


Competitive Drive

H.B. asks from Dallas

When does a child start getting competitive drive??? My daughter is in sport. She does good. But she doesn't seem to want to do extra things to get better. She's ...


Sports for a 5 Yr Old

A.G. asks from Boston

What do you have your 5 yr old do for sports? Or when they were 5? How many day a week was there practices and games? How long did the season run? How much did you pa...


Activity for 7 Year Old Boy

J.H. asks from Chicago

My son is ending his session of floor hockey through our park district. I am looking for suggestions as to what type of winter activity I can put him into keep him ac...


Does My Daughter Even Have a Chance of Making HS Soph Volleyball Team?

S.O. asks from Chicago

She didn’t make the freshman team, but loves the sport. She’s afraid since it is the same coach that she doesn’t have a chance. Last year she went to all open g...

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Answer Highlights

  • rec leagues in 2 answers "She can continue to play in other venues - intramurals, rec leagues, and more."
  • martial arts in 2 answers "... to wait until 4, but I plan on having my daughter take some form of martial arts."
  • played t ball in 2 answers "He has played T-Ball in the past, it is mostly fun for the parents."
  • hit the ball in 2 answers "No pressure, mostly just for fun of getting to hit the ball and run."
  • life lesson in 2 answers "It kind of sucks but is a valuable life lesson."