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Results 71-80 from 1,966 articles

# 2 Issues

J.E. asks from Pensacola

My 3 yr old is half potty trained. she will not go #1 in her pants but #2...she has no problem with having "stinky" in her pants. She does great when it comes to ur...


Advice on Giving Daily Allergy Meds to 2-1/2 y.o.

H.L. asks from Syracuse

I am having the toughest time trying to get my daughter (2 1/2 years old) to take her daily Zyrtec medicine, luckily it is a once a day thing. Up until about 3 weeks...


Potty Training Help!!!!!

L.B. asks from Kansas City

Hi Ladies~ I am sure my question is just like most other potty training questions that other moms ask but i need some help! I have a daughter who is 2 1/2 and an al...


Dealing with Critical Family Members.

G.H. asks from Tucson

My daughters are both very serious athletes and have dedicated their lives to their sport. This was never pushed, it happened organically as they both have always lov...


Potty training~More Clarification Added at the Bottom!

K.P. asks from Pocatello

My daughter will be 3 the end of November. A little over a year ago she started to train on her own. We had the little potty and the insert that you can get for the t...


How to Not Make Mealtime a Battle...

H.1. asks from Des Moines

Hey Mommas I have a 20 month old son, and admittedly, we sturggle at meal times. I offer him what we are having and always make sure that he has at least one healt...


Dinner Time W/ My Toddler - Help!

E.S. asks from Springfield

Hi all, My son is 3.5 years old and dinner time is proving to be a bit of a struggle recently. He's a fairly picky eater but we have some core meals/foods he likes...


Am I Expecting Too Much?

N.S. asks from Chicago

My 9-year old SD won't do anything unless someone is standing over her. For example, she gets in the shower and then doesn't do anything unless I'm standing there. Sh...


Need Help! 3Yo Discipline.

S.C. asks from Buffalo

Hi all, I am new here, and really need some advice. DD#1 is very strong willed and going through terrible 3's. She skipped terrible two's altogether and was actual...


Veggie Options

T.K. asks from Detroit

I feel so overwhelmed right now regarding my two toddlers' veggie intake. My daughter is 1 and seems to be doing alright (but not as good as my son at that age) and ...

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Answer Highlights

  • typical 9 year old behavior in 2 answers "I do not agree that this is typical 9-year old behavior."
  • 1 2 3 magic in 2 answers "Have you heard of the book "1-2-3 Magic"? When my daughter turned three she suddenly ..."
  • deceptively delicious in 2 answers "I second the book deceptively delicious :) I have it and love it :)"
  • 3 day potty training in 2 answers "I do have to 3-day potty training download if you would like it."
  • mandarin oranges in 2 answers "... like that she tried yogurt, she tried corn, she tried peaches, mandarin oranges ..."