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Teen Rated Video Games. Am I Being Overprotective????

T.J. asks from Raleigh

First off let me say I love my sister dearly. We are really close. At least once every couple of months we get together with the kids and meet somewhere mutual. We l...


Need Answers About 9 Yr Old Behavior

V.B. asks from Detroit

HELP We are pulling our hair out. Our 9 yr old is a very loving boy and has many wonderful qualities about him. Please do not get me wrong on that. But he is lying r...


Stocking Stuffers for 9 Year Old Boy

M.J. asks from Milwaukee

I have lots of stocking stuffer ideas for my younger kids but can't think of much for my 9 yo DS. I got him a fleece scarf and some hand warmers for at the ski hill b...


9 Year Old Boy Having a Lot of Headaches

K.B. asks from Los Angeles

My almost 9 year old is having a lot of headaches. I am wondering if other moms have noticed this same thing and if it might be growing pains or something else. I thi...


Please Help Me with My 9 Year Old Son

J.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 9 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. My son has been such a sweet little boy growing up, but recently he has been horrible. He has been back taking me, ...


Screaming 9 1/2 Month Old

T.M. asks from Anchorage

My 9 1/2 month old is a screamer. I don't think he is in pain but he might be. He was a colicky baby until he was around 4 months and then he seemed to be content f...


9 Year Old That Wants Too Much

I.A. asks from Brownsville

I have a 9 year old that says we don't give her everything. Since the age of 6 she has had her own cell phone, has been in kick-ball for the past 4 years, and is curr...


Chores for an 8 and 9 Yr Old

M.I. asks from Dallas

Hello I have 2 daughters who are 8 and 9 and I had given them chores but it seems they are to difficult.I am asking them to feed and water there animals and clean the...


Car Seat for a 22 Lb 11 Month Old

S.R. asks from San Diego

I need to graduate my 22 pound 11 month old son from a pumpkin car seat to a full size car seat. I'd like a seat that is versatile enough to hold him rear facing righ...


Recommendations for 9 Year Old Girl Birthday Present

A.R. asks from Dallas

My niece is turning 9 in a couple of months and my Mom has no idea what to get her. My kids are 5 & 6, so I'm not sure what 9 year olds are into. What are the hot...

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