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Results 51-60 from 2,999 articles

11 Year Old Boy Still Sleeps with Mom

L.R. asks from Austin

I stayed with my cousin this past weekend and I would like feedback on some things. She is a 38 year old single mom with an 11 year old son. Her son has a very nic...


9-Month-old Trouble Sleeping

K.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 9-month-old son has always been a wonderful sleeper -- until recently. He was sleeping for 11 or 12 hours straight, but a couple weeks ago he had a mild cold and ...


My 9 Year Old Driving Me Insane

L.M. asks from Jacksonville

Hello everyone I have been reading alot on this site and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice where my 9 year old daughter is concerned. My 9 year old da...


9 Year Old Daughter Maturing Too Soon

J.C. asks from Dallas

I have a beautiful 9 year old daughter maturing quickly. No, she has not started her period, but she is developing in all the other areas. Her pediatrician says it ...


9 Month Old Does Not Sleep at Night

A.V. asks from Dallas

My 9 month old does not sleep in her crib and she gets up 4 to 7 times during the night. Her pediatrician told me that I have to let her cry for a few hours without g...


9 y.o. Boy Birthday Party Ideas

E. asks from Columbus

My nine year old is having his first slumber party with 4 other 9 year olds invited. I am not sure what will entertain these kids and am looking for game ideas that ...


When Should I Use a Forward Facing Car Seat for My 11 Month Old?

H.J. asks from Dallas

I think we are almost ready to use a forward facing carseat. My son weighs 21 lbs. 13 oz. He is 11 months old. I have read that you can use a forward facing carseat a...


11 Week Old Only Wants to Sleep on Stomach or in Swing

G.S. asks from Killeen

Call me paranoid, but it's really bothering me that my 11 week old only wants to sleep on his stomach in his crib. I think he feels more secure and less vulnerable t...


Need Help with 11 Year Old Son Behavior Problems

K.S. asks from Springfield

I really need help with my almost 11 year old. He is EXTREMELY argumentative and an extreme "jerk" for no better word. He is "always right" and if he's corrected - ...


Does Anyone Else's Husband/bf Play Video Games?

T.J. asks from Seattle

My husband plays computer games every single night when he gets home from work, which makes him slower to help me around the house. He will take breaks to help with t...

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Answer Highlights

  • much time playing video games in 2 answers "My brother spends too much time playing video games too."
  • keep them rear facing in 4 answers "I have heard that it's best to keep them rear facing as long as possible, but they ..."
  • plays video games in 5 answers "My significant other plays video games on a gaming system and his computer."
  • extended rear facing in 2 answers "broken legs" due to extended rear facing) but a small 20lb child cannot have their ..."
  • ride rear facing in 2 answers "Rear-facing seats All infants should ride rear-facing until they have reached ..."