3 month old infant

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3 Month Old UTI

K.H. asks from Chattanooga

My daughter Haven is 3 months old. I took her to her pediatrician a couple weeks ago because she was running a low grade temp. They did a urine dip in the office and ...


Good Beach for Family with Infant

V.D. asks from Austin

My husband and I have been in Austin nearly 2 years. We have a 7 month old baby girl, and we are getting ready to move to another state. BUT, we would like to take ...


Finding Good Infant Daycare

N.R. asks from Minneapolis

I live on Raymond Avenue in St. Anthony Park, MN-55108 and need to find infant daycare nearby before November 1st, preferably a center without dogs. Is there anything...


Toddler and Infant Sharing a Room

E.Y. asks from Modesto

Hi Ladies, I'd like some tips on how you handle bedtimes for a toddler and an infant who share a bedroom. Right now they're in separate rooms but we're moving next m...


How to Organize Infant's Drawers?

J.H. asks from San Francisco

My infant's dresser drawers are overflowing & a giant mess! I fold everything and neatly put in drawers. Once I need an outfit and dig thru the onsie's to find a long...


Baby Shower Gift for a 3 Month Old ...

G.♣. asks from Springfield

I'm going to a baby shower for my husband's cousin and for her brother's girlfriend whose baby is already 3 months old. The grandma is hosting the shower - didn't wa...


Infant Sleeping in Parents' Bed

J.S. asks from Sacramento

Quick question for moms out there who slept with their newborn/infant. What worked for you in terms of keeping baby safe while sleeping in your bed? Did you use an in...


3 Month Old and Hiccups :/

S.S. asks from Columbia

<y 3 in a half month old baby boy gets the hiccups ALL the time! Can I prevent them? Is there anything I can do to help him when he gets the hiccups? I can tell they ...


Does Your Infant Sleep Through the Night?

E.C. asks from Grand Rapids

I have an 8 mo old girl and she is on the "petite" side at about 15 lb. She was 7lb 2oz at birth and she's very healthy, but she's small like my husband was (and eve...


Infant Sleeping in Car Seat

L.L. asks from Washington DC

15 month old will not sleep in his car seat. Small for his age, he is still in infant seat. He 'never' has fallen asleep in car seat. He will cry until we get to dest...

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