3 month old infant

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Advice for Traveling with Infant Needed

M.C. asks from Cleveland

I'm planning a trip to visit family in the Twin Cities with my infant. She'll be 10 weeks when we go. I'm trying to figure out what I can bring on the plane with me, ...


Advice on a Situation with a Friend and Her Infant

R.D. asks from Kansas City

I am currently watching my friends 7 week old infant. How this came about is an interesting story. Several years ago when my daughter was about 2 I babysat for a fr...


Infant Was Exposed to Flu

J.S. asks from Milwaukee

My husband has had flu symptoms for 4 days. I'm concerned for my 8 mo old, Makai. Neither him nor I have gotten the flu vaccine. I'm sleeping next to my hubby and ...


Not Producing Enough Milk for 3 Week Old Infant- Supplement?

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 week old infant has a huge appetite. My milk supply is in and he eats everything that I produce plus what I pump but at certain times of the day he's still supe...


3 Month Old Isn't pooping....breastfeed

A.P. asks from Chicago

My 3 month old has always been regular since birth, but a couple weeks ago she stopped being "regular". She will go a few days without a bowel movement. Last week sh...


Traveling to Greece with an Infant

C.H. asks from Portland

My husband and I are planning our son's first trip to Greece. It's also my husband's first trip. I used to go as a child a lot, since my family is Greek, and it was...


Infant Seat Advice

B.B. asks from Los Angeles

OK Mom's advice needed I am currently due in Dec and a few of my friends suggested that my car seat I used for my son (he is now 4) may need to be replaced because o...


Looking for Great Infant Childcare?

K.M. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas, My current in home day care provider is looking to fill an infant spot. She is absolutely wonderful! She has taken care of my daughter since she was alm...


Thinking of Taking 3 Month Old to Concert

R.H. asks from Cincinnati

I have a 3 month old boy, and my husband and I are thinking of taking him to a concert with us. I'm wondering if anyone here has done it and whether or not it was a ...


My 3 Month Old Sweats a Lot

R.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 month old little boy seems to sweat a lot, especially at night. During the day his hands get clammy. I read that babies don't really sweat. Anyone else have a ba...

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