20 month old speech

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20 Month Old Wakes up Screaming

M.G. asks from Seattle

My 20 month old son wakes up screaming in the middle of the night now. This has been going on for the past week. It only happens at night not during naps or anything ...


15 Month Old Speech

K.P. asks from Dallas

looking for some advice on my 15 month old daughter. She only has 3 words total and I was reading the other day that they should have 3 or more words other than mama ...


Going over Board on Speech....

T.D. asks from Albuquerque

My 2 yr old (28 months) did not speak until she was 14-15 months old with help from speech therapists. After splitting her up from her brother who is 20 months older ...


2 Year Old with Speech Delay

J.K. asks from Washington DC

My 2 year old is delayed in his speech, he speaks mostly jargon and says very few words. I have had him evaluated by the school district's early childhood prevention...


My Sons Speech Varies from Clear as a Bell to Garbaled Speech

K.T. asks from Rochester

My 3 year old son has had tubes put in twice and has had surgery to remove tonsils and adenoids. His speech seems to fluctuate between very clear and sounding like he...


Speech Therapy Resource Referral

S.G. asks from Los Angeles

My 2 1/2 year old boy's pediatrician recommended that we do speech therapy for him. He has the words but cannot put a sentence together. I would appreciate if anyon...


Speech Therapy- How Often ?

D.J. asks from Miami

hi moms, i'm not sure how often i should take my son(20 months old) for speech therapy sessions ? we do pay out of pocket(they don't take our type of insurance). i...


Son with Speech Delay

M. asks from Chicago

I have a son who is 20 months old and still shows no interest in speaking. He can say mom and dad and I have heard him say dog once or twice but that is it. We know h...


Speech Therapy- What to Expect?

E.M. asks from Phoenix

So we have been referred to a speech therapist for our older son, who is nearly 5. His vocab and syntax are great, it is just some sounds that he has a hard time pro...


Speech Therapy Advice

K.R. asks from Dallas

I have two year old twin boys that are not talking yet. We have been getting services from ECI since they were 18 months old but have not made much progress at all w...

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