15 week boy ultrasound

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Results 31-40 from 702 articles

Disapointed That Baby #2 Will Be a Boy

L.K. asks from Phoenix

I just found out today that my second child, due in April, will be a boy. I've had a really tough time accepting this pregnancy. Long story short, I wasn't sure if I ...


Big Boy: 9Lbs Already with Three Weeks to Go!

H.P. asks from San Antonio

I am very blessed to be pregnant with our first child: a boy due the first week of February. All has been healthy so far: no diabetes, no complications. I am very g...


Boy vs Girl via Morning Sickness?

A.G. asks from Minneapolis

With my first pregnancy I was so sick the whole 9 months, but with this second pregnancy I have very minimal morning sickness and I'm wondering if that means I am hav...


32 Week Preemie That Is 14 Months and Not Walking

A.B. asks from Jacksonville

I was wondering if any one else has had a preemie that had delayed walking. We go to physical therapy twice a month and have for a long time:) She was late to crawl ...


Dr Wants to Induce in One Week

M.F. asks from Denver

What are your thoughts and experiences with induction. This is my first pregnancy. Nervous, scared but ready.


How Do I Get a 37 Week Baby to Turn? Currently the Baby Is Transverse.

R.D. asks from Chicago

Hello mommas, I need some advice to help my baby turn. I am 37 weeks pregnant and my baby is sideways. I do not want to have a c-section. Do you have any tips for...


Delivering a Bigger Baby Boy with Mother with Gestational Diabetes.

N.T. asks from Boise

Hello, I am 37 weeks along, and according to the ultra sound my baby is 39 weeks long as far as size. He is breech too. The doctor is concerned, that the babies shoul...


Lst Time Mom to Be of Triplets, 15 Weeks Old and One Has Kidney Blockage

B.F. asks from Wichita Falls

Just had a ultrasound today and baby B has what appears to be a kidney blockage. The Dr explained about doing a shunt through my abdomin to baby, the risks and effect...


Potty Training Issue for 2 1/2 Year Old Boy

S.A. asks from Washington DC

My son is 2 1/2 and we have started trying to potty train, but not too seriously. In the last several weeks, he has started holding his pee so that he often doesn't ...


Sex Determination at 16 Weeks?

P.C. asks from Portland

Hi there, I'm 16 weeks today and when I saw my doctor a week ago, she said she wanted to do an ultrasound soon, and that we should be able to tell the sex of the b...

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