15 week boy ultrasound

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6 Week Under Went Surgery

L.H. asks from Philadelphia

my son who is 6 weeks was admitted into Dupont childrens hospt Sun night. Had an ultra sound done mon moring to confirm that he has pyloric stenosis. had surgry mon a...


Colic in 6 Week Old?

H.T. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms! My 6 week old baby girl has been very fussy at about 8pm every night for the past week or so and impossible to console. This can go on for an hour or sev...


Amniocentesis Can B Done Twice in 16Th Week N Thn in 18Th Week

S.S. asks from New York

Amniocentesis can b done twice in 16th week n thn in 18th week. i want to go for galatosemia in 1st week thn muscular dystrophy in 18 week. is it safe to have tw...


Expecting ANOTHER Boy . . .

A.E. asks from Seattle

Hi, moms. I have two little boys. My oldest is 3 years old and my youngest is 16 months. I am 15 weeks pregnant with our third (and last!) baby. My husband and I ...


Baby Boy Dream

A.H. asks from Washington DC

Hi!! I'm about 9 weeks pregnant and last night I had a dream I had a baby boy (yay!). Not sure how accurate the dream is, but for my first child I dreamt it was a gir...


Anyone Else Ever Been Disappointed by Gender Results of Ultrasound?

J.O. asks from Grand Rapids

We have a 2-year old son and are pregnant with what looks like another boy. This will probably be our last child so I was a little disappointed to find out we were h...


Trying to Cope with Having a 3Rd Boy

B.F. asks from San Antonio

I am 25 weeks pregnant and I have just learned that I am having a boy. I already have 2 boys, ages 3 and 5 and was really wishing this one would be my baby girl. I ...


Disappointed I'm Having Another Boy - How to Cope

S.S. asks from Chicago

I found out yesterday I am having another boy (I'm due in March). I was really really sure I was having a girl and I can't believe how disappointed I am. I am very bl...


Gender at 12 Week U/s

C.B. asks from Washington DC

I am 12 weeks pregnant and just had an ultrasound. The tech asked me if I wanted to know the sex. I told her I did but I thought it was way too early to tell. She sai...


Miscarriage at 15 Weeks

R.L. asks from New York

Hi, I just went to my doctor yesterday for my 15 week check-up. When she did the ultrasound, the baby wasn't moving and there was no heartbeat. I was at the hospital ...

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