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Results 81-90 from 522 articles

Anyone Have Suggestions to Get over a Really Bad Cold?

T.B. asks from Seattle

ok so monday i was fine at work,later when i got home i was sitting at the pc talkin to a friend and wham started getting a bad fever, chills, very soar throat etc, i...


Sick Baby :(

C.M. asks from Boston

Hi fellow moms- I have a beautiful 9month old who has been sick with a cold for the past six days. It started with a runny stuffy nose and has now progressed to th...


Seeking Advice on Boosting Son's Immune System

R. asks from Spartanburg

Hi, my son is 15-months-old. He was formula fed for the first year of his life, which I regret. Ever since he was 4-months-old, he has had the problem of getting si...


COLD Cleaning an Oven

S.P. asks from Kansas City

OK, don't ask why, but my man disconnected the external vent system from our stove/oven, and so it is impossible to use the self-cleaning oven. Every time I turn it ...


Newborn Colds

C.C. asks from San Francisco

Has anyone experienced a newborn with a cold? My daughter was sick when we brought our newborn home and he now has the stuffy nose, cough and congestion we were hopin...


A Cold or Allergies??

K.S. asks from Cedar Rapids

So we're onto day 2, and what I thought was just a few sneezes has turned into a consistant sneeze, and really weird full diapers. Yesterday my son (17 months) starte...


Engorged Breast After Weaning....

E.D. asks from Miami

I had to stop unfortunately 2 nights ago, with the last feed. My breast are pretty engorged specially one. I used and I'm using the cabbage leaves, cold, and they w...


My 7 Month Old Is Sick! NEED to VENT!

S.L. asks from Richmond

My 7 month old little boy is sick with a really bad cold and he won't sleep at all at night when he normally sleeps from 9-9:30 at night til 8-8:30 in the morning. I ...


Sick One Year Old, Caugh, Cold, Fever, Possibly Thrust?

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

My son just turned a year old on the 22nd of this month. Last night he woke up with this horrible caugh and a runny nose.. like really runny its gross, and right now...


C-section Scheduled in 3 Days and I Am Getting a Cold!

J.J. asks from Dallas

I have a C-Section scheduled on Thursday, but I think I am developing a cold. I was up all night with a bad sore throat and stuffy nose. My 2 year old is also showi...

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