Wright College

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Results 61-70 from 122 articles

Looking for Cheap All-inclusive Disney World packages...any Advice Appreciated!

J.K. asks from Milwaukee

I've never been to Disney World before and I have no idea where to start!! I'd like to get a package that includes a free dining plan. We'd like to book a hotel...


Esophageal Cancer- REAL LIFE STORIES

K.K. asks from Saginaw

mama's I need some truth. I don't want prayers or well wishes or sugar coating (well I do....but not at the moment) My dad has some trouble swallowing, and some h...


I Can Do It Myself!

N.U. asks from San Diego

I have a 5 year old that thinks she can do everything on her own without help. And for the most part, this is true. She is very ahead of the curve both mentally and...


Figuring Out What Do with Money I Don't Want

B.C. asks from Dallas

I won't go into details, I am earning money that I don't feel belongs to me, but to be put to greater use. My husband suggested saving it for Christmas and adopting...


Special Ed/ Kindergarten Nightmare --

M.B. asks from Washington DC

I am just looking for a little perspective. My son has epilesy. It also turned out he has some auditory issues. He didn't do great in Pre-K last year, but they w...


We're Moving to the Tacoma Area and I Need Help!

S.B. asks from Seattle

Hello, Mamas!! My husband just accepted a job in Tacoma, and we will be moving there in the coming months. We both grew up in Northern CA, now we are living in No...


High Levels of Mercury

P.S. asks from Detroit

I recently had my 7 year old daughter's metals tested. The results show that she has really high levels of Mercury in her body, which explains the learning difficult...


Seeking New OB/GYN

J.O. asks from Kansas City

I had my first child one year ago and am seeking to get pregnant again so I am trying to research and decide on a doctor. During my first pregnancy, I saw a general ...


My Child Was Bit at Daycare

L.F. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, Need some advice. Monday afternoon when I picked my daughter up her sitter told me she had been bit by one of the other little girls there. We have my d...


Husband Wants to Move Back, I Don't. I Am Being Selfish?

D.E. asks from Cincinnati

Long story short 1.5 yrs ago my husbands position was getting relocated 6 hours away from where we lived. Neither one of us wanted that move for many reasons. So he e...

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