windows washer

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Results 71-80 from 367 articles

Tips on How to Clean Grill Grease from Concrete

J.G. asks from Greensboro

Hi- need some quick advice-my husband forgot to clean out the grease trap in his grill which stands on a concrete slab. We now have three bigger than dinner plate siz...


Removing Vaseline from Driveway

H.M. asks from Dallas

For the second time in a few months we have had what we believe to be teenagers vandalizing our front sidewalk, driveway and garage. They squirt ketchup, chocolate s...


Want Nice Smelling Laundry

A.B. asks from Portland

Ok, so this is not super important, but it's bugging me. We use all natural laundry detergent (Bio-Kleen, Country Save, etc.) and though I don't want to use anything ...


Job Ideas for 3 and 5 Year Old

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

Basically my boys broke something expensive of ours and I want them to have to replace it. Do you have ideas for jobs little ones can do? I'm not super mad at the...



L.L. asks from Hartford

I just threw away a half of garbage bag full of unmatchable socks. Where do they go? I always match them up when I fold the laundry and any spares I hold onto. Then e...


Stinky Boy's Room

C.O. asks from Minneapolis

My son is 8 and lately I've noticed his room has developed a smell. He throws dirty clothes down the laundry chute, sheets are washed weekly and he showers nightly. ...


What Were the First Chores Your Toddler Help You With?

Y.C. asks from New York

I am wonder at what age and which ones were the first chores your toddler help you with, and if you prize them for doing them or because they are chores they don't ge...


Bugs Ug!

K.D. asks from Honolulu

We will be moving into a house tomorrow that had a tent fumigation pest treatment done on Tuesday. Just wondering if I need to worry about my 2 month old and my 2 dog...


House Cleaning After Sickness

K.P. asks from New York

My two kids (ages 2 and 5) have been constantly sick this winter- it seems we can't go more than a few days with both of them being healthy. They are picking up a lo...


Housecleaning. Am I Getting Ripped Off?

E.I. asks from New York

First off I know rates of service are different in all parts of the country but I am curious what you pay for housecleaning, where are you located, the size of your h...

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Answer Highlights

  • few drops of an essential oil in 2 answers "Just add a few drops of an essential oil (lavender oil, etc) to the rinse cycle of ..."
  • trader joes lavender in 2 answers "Trader Joes Lavender detergent is what we use when were not using Bioclean- there ..."
  • sprinkle baking soda in 2 answers "Whenever I notice a smell I don't like, I sprinkle Baking Soda on the floor overnight ..."
  • cleans 2 full bathrooms in 2 answers "The girl is here for about 6 hours. She cleans 2 full bathrooms (mirrors, toilets ..."
  • liquid fabric softener in 2 answers "... I second adding vinegar to the wash (put it in the liquid fabric softener ..."