what to expect when expecting

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Sympathy- Am I Expecting to Much?

L.K. asks from Chicago

My father passed away almost 2 weeks ago. The day after my good friend posted his obit on Facebook (NOT at my request) and I had a lot of well wishers and people offe...


Am I Expecting Too Much Out of My Husband?

C.R. asks from Philadelphia

I have recently grown very resentful toward my husband. It constantly makes it hard for me to be in a good mood at all, let alone while I'm home. And I even find myse...


First Time Expecting Mother

O.K. asks from Redding

Hello. I have quite a few books and am only about 6 wks along. In all the books there are many lists of food (and Herbs) to avoid and or not eat... or .. to eat! ...


Online Community for Expecting Dads

K.H. asks from Austin

Hi, I'm 9w pregnant. Hubby is having a little trouble adjusting. One thing that has really helped me is reading about other women's experiences, and I think he cou...


Am I Expecting Too Much from Friends?

T.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hello mamas! I'm curious if this is an issue any of you have dealt with and how you handled it. I have some wonderful mama friends and, as a Leo, I am fiercely lo...


Confused Mom Expecting Twins

M.F. asks from New York

Hello everybody! Ladies, I just need to share my feelings so pls. dont judge me. Give me your support. I am very happy mom of 21 month old son and I am pregnant sec...


She Is Expecting Her 20Th Child?

L.A. asks from Austin

I know that some people believe that GOD gives them babies, But at what point do we or should we say, this is enough? If a mom has had tough pregnancies or births, ...


Expecting ANOTHER Boy . . .

A.E. asks from Seattle

Hi, moms. I have two little boys. My oldest is 3 years old and my youngest is 16 months. I am 15 weeks pregnant with our third (and last!) baby. My husband and I ...


Expecting in February, Seeking advice..again...

L.D. asks from New York

When i wrote my first request I was very nervous and thought there would be a lot of judgmental women on here but i was very wrong. I have talked to some of the most...


Should Stay at Home Moms Expect Husbands to Help Around the House?

C.A. asks from Tampa

Just wondering if I am the only one that feels as they can't get ahead. I feel like by the time I get the kitchen cleaned from breakfast it is lunch time then time to...

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