what is stem cell

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Results 51-60 from 180 articles

Should I Give Info to Dying Friend?

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I have a friend who at 34 is gravely ill. The doctors have not given her much time. One of her family members is spreading rumors. Someone actually told me what was...


Is Having Children Possible After Chemo Treatments?

T.M. asks from New York

Hello, I was wondering if there are any of you who have ever gone through Chemo treatments, who were able to have children after treatment. A friend of mine had n...


Does Anyone Know Anything About Bone Marrow Donation?

M.S. asks from Boston

I'm thinking about signing up on the bone marrow donation registry at marrow.org. Has anyone else ever done this? The website makes it seem as though there aren't r...


Twitching All Night Long

K.C. asks from St. Louis

Hi! My son is 5 1/2. Every few months he has this weird twitching in his sleep. It happens all night long and usually stops in the early morning. About every 30 s...


Cord Blood Banking

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hi, Moms. I'm conflicted about banking the cord blood of my baby-to-be. Please share your opinions about this and companies you have found to be reputable. I have b...


Cord Blood Banking

R.W. asks from Denver

I have been researching the various cord blood banks and wanted to get feedback from anyone who has actually been through the process of banking their babies cord blo...


Mom Has Breast Cancer

M.J. asks from Athens

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What are the symtoms of diabetes? I looked on line and kept getting sent from one site to another. I'm thinking my 20 year old daughter is hypoglycemic(spelling) or...


Heart Defect

H.A. asks from San Francisco

My daughter was diagnosed with epstein anomally. It is a rare heart defect affecting her valvle. Her health is great. Her heart is dealling with the valve as is. But ...


If You Could Go Back to Your Pre-mom Self, What Advice Would You Give?

K.S. asks from New York

So I saw this touching video (see link below to see video) about what advice moms would give to their pre-mom selves. Of course I knew right away what I would te...

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Answer Highlights

  • american diabetes association in 2 answers "I think if you'll try the American Diabetes Association they can answer your questions."
  • cord blood banking in 2 answers "We view cord blood banking as an insurance policy of sorts."
  • had open heart surgery in 2 answers "My son has Transposition of the Great Arteries and had open heart surgery at 5 days ..."
  • stem cells in 2 answers "Otherwise, the stem cells in cord blood are thrown away as medical waste."
  • increased thirst in 2 answers "The most common symptoms of diabetes are increased thirst, hunger and urination."