ways to tell family your pregnant

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Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy to Family

K.P. asks from Provo

I am pregnant with my second baby and due in May. My husband and I decided to wait until Christmas to tell our families since we will be visiting both sides this yea...


Pregnant but Haven't Met His Family nor Friends Yet

M.S. asks from Melbourne

Hi, this is something that flies through my mind for the past weeks. We started dating in September 2012 And we got serious. I became pregnant three months later an...


Seeking Ways to Increase My Brain Power

C.F. asks from Houston

For as long as I can remember, learning has been a challenge for me. Some of the obvious things I've always struggled with are math, especially word problems, ratios,...


How to Tell Big Family at Xmas About #2!

E.W. asks from Dallas

We are very excited that after some work we are expecting baby #2. And this is perfect news to save until Christmas (although it is killing me to hide from my mom who...


Fun Way to Tell My Father I'm Pregnant :)

M.L. asks from San Antonio

Hi everyone. So I am 11 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and will be traveling to visit my father tomorrow. I have not told him yet because I really wanted to do it in per...


Telling the Family

A.L. asks from Sacramento

I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant with my third child. We have yet to tell our family about the pregnancy because my sister in law is about to have her first child and we wa...


I'm Suddenly Pregnant. How Do I Tell My Friends Who Are Struggling to Conceive?

J.H. asks from Dallas

My husband and I were separated for about a year and a half. We just had some foundational issues to work through. Thankfully, by God's grace, we are very happily b...


Getting Pregnant

L.W. asks from Binghamton

My husband and I have been trying for baby #2, but it seems like it is taking forever. I got pregnant with my daughter within no time. Can someone tell me why it is...


How to Tell Husband About Baby #2

D.B. asks from Dallas

I am looking for fun ways to tell my husband we are pregnant again. He doesn't want to see the urine test so I don't want to give that to him. Also, we aren't going...


What Are Your Ways to Help a Kid Ride in a Car If Prone to Motion Sickness?

K.S. asks from Detroit

My DD has recently developed motion sickness while in the car, even for a one hour trip. The doctor recommended ginger, in ginger ale, ginger snaps, other means, to s...

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