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My 3 Month Old Is Already Obsessed with Television...

A.K. asks from San Francisco

My in-laws used to "watch" my newborn the first few weeks while I recovered from my pregnancy as I had some complications. Whenever they wanted to keep her occupied t...


What Do You Think? Nick Jr. or Not?

B.B. asks from Dallas

me and my friend were having this conver... just wanted other womens input,,, kids under 5.... do you let your kids watch tv, or have a tv in their room? I do, and ...


Three Year Olds

R.J. asks from Kansas City

we have twins. theyll turn three on the 14th of june. they stay at home with me. we watch nickelodeon in the day time. but what can i do to teach them education at th...


Do You Find Yourself...

R.K. asks from Norfolk

Enjoying the kid shows more than the kids? My husband and I recently fell in love with My Little Pony and Phineas and Ferb a few years back. Before this we always wat...


Teaching 5 Yr Old to Read

A.U. asks from Detroit

Does anyone have any tips or know of a "system" that works for teaching a 5 yr old to read? (She starts kindergarten this fall) My daughter just turned 5 last week ...


Mother of 3 1/2 Yr. Old Looking for Fun and Easy to Do Onlince Computer Games.

C.S. asks from Chicago

hello moms out there!!!!!!! we just recently got our computer and internet up and running and we just taught our daughter how to use the mouse on w/ the computer, eve...


Dance Movie for a 3-Yr Old BOY

K.C. asks from Norfolk

I am looking for suggestions for a dance movie for my 3-yr old son. He just started a Tap/Hip Hop class and loves it. He loves music, dancing, dressing up and perfo...


2 Part ? Learning Ability for 3 Year Old and Sleep Situation with 1 1/2 Year Old

K.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, First part, my 3 year girl old seems very smart. She can hold a full blown conversation with anyone, she has the memory of an elephant (it seems), is very social...


A Mother's "Job"

M.L. asks from Seattle

Alright, ladies - I want your honest opinions. I am a SAHM to two children - DD is 4 and DS is 2. I love staying home with them, and count myself very lucky that my h...


Methods of Teaching Toddlers (2-3) Shapes, Letters and Such

S.M. asks from Stockton

I'm a working mother and our parents watch our 2 year old daughter everyday so she is not exposed to "actual learning" from a childcare person or place. I'm wondering...

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