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Results 51-60 from 516 articles

What's So Great About Netflix?

N.W. asks from Eugene

My boys suggested we get this. I thought it was a DVD by mail service but my guys tell me we can get movies and shows through their Wii. We already have Dish TV wit...


Babies & Watching TV?!

S.D. asks from Albuquerque

I'm a first time mom with a 4mon old. I have people telling me not to let her watch tv. I've heard it can be over stimulating, and I don't want to do that. However, h...


Classroom Woes

C.C. asks from Tulsa

My 5 year old son is in Kindergarten. His teacher tells me she is worried that he is not mature enough for the classroom setting. I don't think he has enough issues...


Age Appropriate DVD for 15 Month Old

B.H. asks from Kansas City

Can I get some suggestions on DVD's that are appropriate for a 15 month old to watch. We will taking a trip this weekend and I wanted to get some DVD's that he can wa...


Kindle or Ipod for 8 Year Old

M.L. asks from Wichita

I recently asked you wonder moms "ipod or leap pad for 5 year old?" and received some helpful responses. Now, I'm considering a Kindle Fire instead of i-pod touch for...


Saving Money --- Cut off the DirecTV

L.D. asks from Dallas

To save money, we cut off our DirecTV .... what does everyone do for TV that doesn't have cable or an antenna or satellite?? We aren't SUPER big TV watchers, but do ...


Kids and Tv

M.S. asks from Louisville

How much tv is too much tv. I don't put my daughter in front of the tv at all because i am afraid that she won't want to do anything else besides watch tv when she g...


Kids and the Ipod Nano

J.L. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, In this day and age I am doing my best to keep my kids and not mini adults. I don't believe in TV's in their rooms cell phones by the time they hi...


My Son Is 21/2 and We Do Not Have Cable Anymore......

A.P. asks from Austin

So we let him watch movies, in cables place.... Like; Shrek.....Chicken Little....Monsters Age.... Stff like that.... And hen I think okay ......some of t...


Good TV Shows for Kids

J.F. asks from Rochester

Hi all. My 5 year old son has been asking me constantly to watch tv/movies, but I'm worried about letting him watch too much or him seeing shows that have bad languag...

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Answer Highlights

  • american academy of pediatrics in 3 answers "I don't know her situation. The American Academy of Pediatrics has guidelines on ..."
  • personally i think she is too young in 2 answers "Personally I think she is too young. My 13 yo doesnt'"
  • veggie tales in 8 answers "I have 3 boys and I agree that Backyardigans and Veggie Tales would be great for him ..."
  • sesame street in 9 answers "... Between the's a new and improved ramped up version of Sesame Street ..."
  • converter box in 3 answers "... it is all digital now we just get the basic stations with the converter box."