vaccines for children

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Results 81-90 from 2,067 articles

11 Year Old Well Visit and Vaccines

R.A. asks from Boston

I'm taking my son to his 11 year old check up. My son is the kind of kid who wants to know everything that will happen in advance. He knows he will need the dreaded T...


Can Anyone Recommend a Pediatrician Willing to Space Out Vaccines?

K.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I am looking for a pediatrician referral. I live in the Mars/Cranberry area. I currently take my son to a pediatrician that is over an hour away. I would like to f...


What Vaccines Should My Baby Get in the First Year?

R.S. asks from Seattle

First, some background. I got the MMR, Varicella and TD shots when I was a few weeks pregnant. I was/am also anemic throughout the term. I gave birth to a healthy ...


Should I Get My Daughter Her 9 Month Vaccines?

N.G. asks from Portland

My daughter has had extreme digestive issues since her first set of vaccinations. She does not sleep very well. She throws up and spits up a lot. She also has trou...


Please Tell Me Your Experience with Adverse Reactions to Vaccines?!

J.B. asks from Boca Raton

My daughter's father and I have completely polar ideas on pretty much everything, but the vaccine issue is one that we simply cannot come to any compromises about. I ...


Seeking Doctor Who Offers Thimerosal-free Vaccines

D.A. asks from San Antonio

If you know of a doctor who is willing to order and administer thimerosal-free shots, please let me know. It can be anywhere in the San Antonio Metro area. Thanks! ...


I Just read..Vaccines-When Is It Enough from Christina H.

T.T. asks from Philadelphia

I Have 4 kids. 19, 18, 9 and 3. I have also noticed the increase in vaccines over the years. I feel like Christine too....When is it enough!? I applaud you moms who...


Moving to Seattle, Please Help Need a Pediatrician for My Baby. No Vaccines.

K.M. asks from Seattle

Please help, I am looking for preferably a developmental pediatrician for my child with autism. I will be moving to Bellevue. Can anyone recommend one who wont push ...


Vaccines Change in Schedule and Big Brother Gift Ideas

E.F. asks from Detroit

Hi Everyone, With this next baby coming I am having some change in heart and looking at some other options for getting my son his vaccines. I am wondering if any oth...


Would like Experiences on Vaccines, Toxins and Related Health Problems

A.S. asks from San Francisco

My daughter got a double dose of tetanus with diphteria after a minor accident at a playground a year ago. Afterward she had some major problems, and went from being ...

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Answer Highlights

  • sanctity of human blood in 2 answers "I have a great book for you as well... The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is ..."
  • chicken pox shot in 2 answers "I didn't get the chicken pox shot for either of my children."
  • tim oshea in 2 answers "from dr. Tim O'Shea: The sanctity of human blood - vaccination is not immunizationa ..."
  • hpv vaccine in 4 answers "I myself never got the HPV vaccine."
  • jenny mccarthy in 2 answers "But I was going to mention that Jenny McCarthy wrote a book recently about what she ..."