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Results 21-30 from 313 articles

13Yo Daughter Having Issues with School, Sorry Its So Long

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

My 13yo daugter is driving me crazy! She has become lax and very nonchalant when it comes to school work. My daughter was on honor roll throughout elementary even in ...


Mothers of Daughters - Pros/cons of Being Oldest/youngest in Class

W.D. asks from Chicago

Just wondering for those of you with daughters that either just missed the cut off and who are the oldest in their class or have daughters who just made the cut off (...


Mexican Dinner request...vegetarian Ideas

M.C. asks from Des Moines

We've invited our daughter's basketball team over for an end of the season dinner on Tuesday night. (17 girls + coaches) I'm planning on making several pans of chic...


Gifted Child

S.D. asks from New York

I don't know how to say this without feeling like I am over exagerating or bragging, so I will say this and hope it comes out right to someone who can help... My s...


First Hair Cut

A.D. asks from Louisville

My baby was born with a full head of hair and he rubbed alot off around the back. It has all grown back now and the top part could use a cut. It comes down in his eye...


Help with Baby Girl Name!

A.V. asks from Kansas City

I am about 2 wks away from my due date with our third child. We do not know the sex of the baby. We do have a few boys names we like but absolutely cannot agree on ...


Our School Is Closing, Dislike Our New School, Should I Homeschool?

X.L. asks from Sacramento

We found out in Nov. last year that our Elementary School is closing at the end of term this year, I currently have a 1st grader in that school, next school year he w...


How to Name a Baby?

S.L. asks from Boise

My husband and I are trying to name baby #3. With the first two, it was a struggle, and my husband tells me that he felt like he just gave in to me, and that I named ...


Getting My Kindergartener on Track

S.G. asks from Houston

My son just started school this year and to be honest this is my first rodeo. I didn't qualify to send him to Pre K at public school so I sent him to Pre K at his da...


12 & 13 Year Olds in a Hotel Room Without Adult Supervision in the Room

C.P. asks from Houston

Would you allow your son or daughter to attend a school field trip and stay in a hotel room without Adult supervision in the room? The kids will all be spread out th...

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Answer Highlights

  • dont sound like youre bragging in 2 answers "You don't sound like you're bragging - just in awe."
  • vegetarian refried beans in 2 answers "I think vegetarian refried beans are always a great addition to tacos.. plus you can ..."
  • hard taco shells in 2 answers "Dessert Sundae Bar"). I set out plates, then tortillas and hard taco shells, then ..."
  • down by grade level in 2 answers "... of sight words on the internet.....they will even break it down by grade level."
  • gifted and talented schools in 2 answers "If you live in NYC there are several gifted and talented schools that you can apply ..."