toddler walking on inside of foot

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Toddler Is Pigeon Toed

M.T. asks from Dallas

Hello. My 18 month old son is pigeon toed. We noticed that when he walked, his left foot moved inside, but when he stood still, it went straight. My doctor has said...


Administering Eye Drops to a Toddler

K.A. asks from San Francisco

I have to give my almost 2 year old eye drops 4 times a day for an eye infection, however, this is proving very difficult. Of course, she hates it and shuts her eyes...


Favorite Toddler Books?

H.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi there, Our 19-month old loves books. But I'm getting sick to death of the same ones we read over and over. And I've noticed that most are about animals, which i...


Family Visits Are Not Toddler Friendly

A.H. asks from San Francisco

Ok - I figure I can't be the only one in this boat - hopefully some of you have advice. The holidays are approaching and we are getting pressured to travel to see ou...


Toddler Shoes

S.H. asks from Minneapolis

My 14-month old son has been walking on his own for a few months now, and he's just about outgrown his knock-off Robeez from Target. (Which I'm not very fond of anywa...


How Do I Get My Toddler to Stop Sneaking in Our Room at Night?

C.V. asks from Philadelphia

Hi! My daughter just turned four and she ends up in our bed every single night. We have the same bed time routine and she has no problem falling asleep in her own bed...


Toddler Ready for Big-kid Bed

A.M. asks from Dayton

How do I know if my son, who will be 3 in November, is ready for a youth/toddler bed? He is still in a crib, and he is not potty trained yet. He can now open up doors...


Toddler's Leg Getting Stuck in Crib Slats

M.R. asks from Chicago

My very active 18 month old has recently been getting her leg wedged through the slats in her crib, and I am concerned she may hurt herself. She has long skinny legs...


14 Month Old with a Leg Turn

S.M. asks from Sacramento

My 14 month old son started walking at 10 months old. Since he began walking his right foot turns in as if for balance. We thought it'd work itself out as he got bett...


Keeping Toddler Son (2) Happy in My Daddy's Absence

P.C. asks from Portland

I have visitation with my son (2 years of age), so every other weekend and most weeknights I cannot see him. I would like to give him something that would remind h...

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