toddler 18 month

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Results 31-40 from 9,733 articles

Weening 18 Month Old

S.D. asks from Honolulu

Hi Moms. I have an almost 18 month old boy who has been breastfeed since birth. Of course he eats regular food by this point, but still gets breastfed in the mornin...


I Think My 18 Month Has OCD

J.S. asks from Dayton

I am writing for any advice or even if you are in the same boat. My 18 month old will get her wipes out and will wipe her feet through out the day as if they are dirt...


18 Month Old and Fracture?

L.N. asks from Benton Harbor

Hi Moms~ My 18 month old son climbed out of his crib yesterday morning and woke me up with a giant 'thud' to the carpet. All day he was delicate with his left wrist...


18 Month Old Screaming!!!!

M.G. asks from Oklahoma City

My 18 month daughter was very quiet and I say WAS. now when she doesn't get what she wants she SCREAMS until her face turns red. I have but her in a chair for a time ...


18 Month Old Not Socializing Well

H.J. asks from Spokane

Im a stay at home mom with one daughter who is 18 months old. She has always had issues socalizing with other kids and well anyone else. But she really just doesnt kn...


Your Thoughts on 3 Yr Old Boy and 18 Month Girl Both in Their OWN Toddler Beds

T.D. asks from Albuquerque

Your thoughts on 3 yr old boy and 18 month girl both in their OWN toddler beds in the same room. My son and daughter are the best of friends. If one gets a cracker th...


Simple Glue: Safe for Arts and Crafts with 18 Month Old???

J.R. asks from Miami

I am in a new mommy and me type activity class with my 18 month old and last week the leader wanted to do some crafts with simple glue and sparkles ... I was unsure ...


18 Month Old Eats Too Much?

J.T. asks from Kansas City

My daughter is 18 months old, and eats till her belly sticks out and is hard as a rock. I am not worried about the weight gain, since she is under weight, according ...


My 18 Month Old Screams & Throws Huge Tantrums for Nothing!

D.Z. asks from Chico

So, here's the scoop. My 18 month old screams for every little thing. He throws himself down & refuses to stop when he's asked. It's gotten to the point where we clo...


18 Month Old Hitting Terible 2'S Early?

H.H. asks from Rochester

My alost 18 month old has started this whole new ear in her life. Its called screaming and crying till she slides to the floor. Let me try to explain. My lil one has ...

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Answer Highlights

  • going through a growth spurt in 2 answers "I could always tell when my daughter is going through a growth spurt because she will ..."
  • green stick fracture in 2 answers "She ended up having a green stick fracture of her forearm."
  • called parallel play in 3 answers "Until they are 3-4 yrs old they do something called parallel play - play next to each ..."
  • buckle fracture in 4 answers "They did an x-ray and it was a small buckle fracture in her wrist."
  • elmers glue in 2 answers "check out the brand, make sure it's non toxic. Elmers glue is safe whether it be ..."