things to do with infant

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Results 71-80 from 18,132 articles

Infant Was Exposed to Flu

J.S. asks from Milwaukee

My husband has had flu symptoms for 4 days. I'm concerned for my 8 mo old, Makai. Neither him nor I have gotten the flu vaccine. I'm sleeping next to my hubby and ...


Infant Sleeping in Car Seat

L.L. asks from Washington DC

15 month old will not sleep in his car seat. Small for his age, he is still in infant seat. He 'never' has fallen asleep in car seat. He will cry until we get to dest...


Infant Carrier for a Newborn

K.S. asks from New York

Any suggestions on infant carriers for a newborn. My 2nd is due in June and my little girl will be 2 years old when baby # 2 arrives. I really need something good as...


Infant Carseat/Carrier Question...

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

What brand/style do you use/prefer? Those things are so darned klunky!! I am doing my research, and as usual, an integral part of that research is to ask my wise ma...


Traveling to Greece with an Infant

C.H. asks from Portland

My husband and I are planning our son's first trip to Greece. It's also my husband's first trip. I used to go as a child a lot, since my family is Greek, and it was...


Taking an Infant to the Movies???

J.H. asks from Philadelphia

I just have a silly question. I have a 3 year old son as well as a newborn. Last summer my son and I had a great time going to the free movies that local theatres off...


Visitation Schedule for Infant

L.G. asks from Dallas

Hello Moms, After much thought and counseling, my husband of 5 years and I have decided to get a divorce.I have a 3 year old and a 3 month old. My question i...


Advice on a Situation with a Friend and Her Infant

R.D. asks from Kansas City

I am currently watching my friends 7 week old infant. How this came about is an interesting story. Several years ago when my daughter was about 2 I babysat for a fr...


Toddler and Infant Sharing a Bedroom

L.B. asks from Columbus

We have a two-year-old daughter who will be going on three when her sibling is born in March. Although we have a three-bedroom house, we'd like the two kids to share ...


Experiences- Infant in Daycare

J.L. asks from Dallas

I would like to get some feedback around infant care for when I go back to work. I would love a nanny but not sure we can afford that, and if so, probably not for too...

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Answer Highlights

  • want to give you a good deal since we are friends in 2 answers "paid me this much, but I want to give you a good deal since we are friends."
  • ergo baby carrier in 4 answers "I would get an Ergo baby carrier that will make baby secure on the bus or anywhere ..."
  • relax and stop worrying in 2 answers "The most important thing is to relax and stop worrying about everyone else (so hard ..."
  • swine flu in 3 answers "I had the swine flu last week according to the nurse I talked to over the phone and ..."
  • american tourists in 2 answers "... and have been there many times and he has not, but believe me, American tourists ..."