terrible 2

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Terrible Twos?

M.Y. asks from Los Angeles

I have a two and a half year old boy who is recently going through the terrible twos. He will not eat anything at each meal and I know or can tell he is doing it on p...


Terrible 3'S!!!

C.H. asks from Charleston

I do not understand why everyone calls them terrible 2's!! For my son and I 2's were great, so were 1's and before that. Now that he's 3 (just turned in Jan.), he's...


Terrible Twos...

M.W. asks from Washington DC

My daughter (3 in January) has her good days and her bad days. She can be an angel, and then turn around 5 minutes later and be a little devil. Whether its hitting or...


Tips on Terrible 2'S

D.S. asks from Dallas

I think the much-dreaded "terrible two's" are begging to rear their ugly head. Please let me know if there are any books, websites, or tips you have that helped you ...


Terrible Twos!

A.J. asks from Washington DC

Help!! What has happened to my toddler! My son is 23 months old and was the perfect baby. He has always had a easy going happy temperment, and rarely cried as an infa...


Terrible Two's

D.C. asks from Sarasota

HELP!!! My granddaughter is 26 months and a full fledged "terrible two"! She tests me all the time to see how far see can get with me. She fights me to brush her teet...


Terrible 3

T.B. asks from Sarasota

My 3 year old son Dylan is extremly smart for his age, he acts alot older, latley he's been going through the terrible 3's and Im on the losing side, we recently took...


Terrible Two's

A.M. asks from Youngstown

I have a 2 1/2 yr old son that is full blown terrible two's. He throws frequent tantrums just about anytime he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it. I also ha...


Nightmares. Am I Terrible?

J.R. asks from New York

My step-son has never been the kid to have many nightmares. I have been with his father since he was a year old so I have been there for most of his life (He will be ...


Terrible 3'S.....

D.S. asks from St. Louis

I am looking for some advice on behavior at the 2 1/2 - 3 yr age. My daughter will be 3 at the end of this month, but I am not sure if either one of us will make it. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • give him a multi vitamin in 2 answers "If you're really worried give him a multi vitamin."
  • happiest toddler on the block in 3 answers "We have tried the "happiest toddler on the block""
  • brush your hair in 2 answers "Comb your hair or brush your hair?" Give her some choices and let her feel like ..."
  • use time outs in 2 answers "For me, it just paseed eventually....I use time outs and some spanking too-you aren't ..."
  • let him snack in 2 answers "... describing..so i would just make myself some food..would NOT let him snack ..."