symptoms of miscarriages

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Results 51-60 from 538 articles

Possible Miscarriage...

L.L. asks from St. Cloud

I went to the doctor today for our first checkup. They did the ultrasound and found im roughtly five weeks and four days along. The tech couldn't make out what was in...


Flu Shot During Pregnancy

J.J. asks from Pittsburgh

So I am 32 weeks pregnant, and my doctor wants me to take the flu vaccine. I have been researching both sides of the argument and I'm very confused and worried. One o...


Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pregnancy

R.H. asks from Chicago

I am seeking advice on what to do about my rheumatoid arthritis. I have been trying to have a baby for the last 14 months. During this time I have not been taking a...


Repeat Miscarriage

S.S. asks from Philadelphia

I have two boys, 6 and 3. Last July I had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks. It took me a year to get pregnant again and I just had another early miscarriage. I am w...


Pregnancy Symtoms

M.T. asks from Boston

I just found out last week that I am expecting. I however do not seem to have very many "pregnancy symtoms". I'm not very tired as I was with my daughter and I...


My Breasts Are So Achy and Sore!

H.D. asks from Dallas

My boobs are so sore and achy! I am 3 days away from my period and have never had soreness in my breasts like this before other than when I am pregnant. Do any of you...


Bleeding/spotting During First Weeks of Pregnancy

S.C. asks from Detroit

ok I recently posted a request my period is as of now over a week late, I took a million pregnancy tests and all were negative, I then went to my doctor for a serum t...


Knowing When to Take a Preg Test

J.K. asks from Jamestown

hello again everyone. heres my problem.... the first day of my last period was April, 29 2007. well for the last week or so, i have been having morning sickness, hea...


Could This Be Something Other than Pregnancy, & If So What?

H.B. asks from Waterloo

I got my period on time, on December 24. it lasted for 4 days, which is normal. 2 weeks later I started what mirrored a normal period, minus cramps and such ( so it w...


Having Another One?

A.P. asks from Cleveland

So in the last 10 months I have had 3 miscarriages. We have had genetic testing done on both of us, both of us were normal. We have a son who is 6 and had no proble...

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Answer Highlights

  • got the flu shot in 5 answers "I got the flu shot at my 38 week appointment in my OBs office."
  • get the flu shot in 4 answers "I did not get the flu shot last year when I was pregnant, but I did get the flu!"
  • your hormone levels in 2 answers "I'm glad they're taking your hormone levels, since that ought to tell you a lot."
  • got a flu shot in 2 answers "I got a flu shot while I was 20 weeks pregnant."
  • got flu shots in 2 answers "I got flu shots both times I was pregnant."