Sweet Memories

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Christmas Newsletter

T.J. asks from Fort Walton Beach

Is it appropriate to write in our family Christmas newsletter that my grandfather has passed away this year? We weren't able to make it to his funeral because I did ...


Question for Tea Drinkers

M.M. asks from Columbus

I would like to start drinking tea, as an attempt to curb my appetite. When I feel the urge to grab a snack, I would like to try drinking tea instead. The only tea I ...


Truly Gross!!

K.W. asks from Bismarck

I have been going through pictures to put in albums for Christmas gifts and have found myself laughing and crying on my trip down memory lane. It’s funny how all t...


Are There ANY Scrapbookers Out There?

M.K. asks from Dallas

Hi Everyone, I am looking for ladies that would be interested in getting together once a week or so to scrapbook while the kids are at school. I have been scrap...


Ideas for Background Music for a Keepsake Video

D.J. asks from New York

HELP! I have two sons, a 2 1/2 year old and 7 month old. When my first son turned one we decided to make a video of pics and memories from his first year along with...


Jff-what Is the Toy Your Child Has...

C.S. asks from Milwaukee

What is the toy your child has that the first time you saw it you had a childhood flashback or an "I had one of those!" moments? My 18mo daughter is starting to lo...


Assistance Finding the Perfect Photographer

N.C. asks from Phoenix

I need your assistance in finding just the perfect photographer. I am looking to preserve wonderful memories with some new portraits of my young adult sons. I would ...


Is It Okay to Let My Son Play with Baby Dolls?

H.M. asks from Grand Rapids

My son will be two in a few week and he has a older sister who is four. He is as boyish as they come. He has never tried to play with his sisters barbies or dress up ...


Child Banging Head

J.K. asks from Houston

My daughter is 15 months old and such a good girl, listens so well and really is so sweet! But lately, if she does something she knows she is not supposed to do and ...


What's on Your Thanksgiving Menu?

M.D. asks from Washington DC

We have a large family that requires some coordination for holdays, so we always plan early. I invited everyone to my house for Thanksgiving this year. My parents wil...

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