sweet dream

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Son Has Lots of Scary Dreams. Anybody Have Any Advice?

M.F. asks from Mobile

My 6yr son has lots of bad dreams at night. He watches this series called Bibleman and on one dvd there is this green man who is the bad guy. He is not that scary l...



C.I. asks from Fort Myers

My 3 1/2 year old grandson tells me that he sees monsters. He will be playing & look up and point to "monsters". He has had dreams during nap time at my house & will ...


Help with Business Name

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

After having a baking obsession for over 2 years, I've decided to officially start an in home business, and I am going to work on creating a website as well. One day ...


My SAHM Days Are Coming to an End :(

J.K. asks from Dallas

My life-long dream was to be a Mother. I didn't want to do anything else w/my life other than taking care of children and my home. (Just like my own mother) I have ...


2 1/2 Year old...hard Time Moving to New home...HELP!

J.O. asks from Cincinnati

My husband and I just built our dream home and started moving in this past week. My 2 1/2 year old keeps acting out...peeing in his pants (completely potty trained s...


Mommy, Why Does Luther King Sleep So Much???

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Out of the mouths of babes. Our DS (3) goes to pre-school in a combined pre-nursery/ nursery class. He brought home some of his classwork and it in...


Why Is My 4 Month Old Waking up So Much in the Middle of the Night?

M.C. asks from Dallas

My son is almost 4 months old, who I exclusively breastfeed. For the last month or so he had started sleeping almost through the night, only waking once about 4 or 5 ...


Heart Murmurs & 12 Yr. Old Daughter (Editied for Clarification)

L.M. asks from Boise

My sweet 12 yr. old went in for her sports-related physical and we learned she has 2 murmurs. This was at a walk-in clinic and she was denied clearance to play volle...


How Do I Get over Not Having Another Child?

J.O. asks from Corvallis

Hello Mama's! My husband is 47, I will be 44 later this year. We have been trying to have a second child for a few years now with a couple of miscarriages and consu...


Life Before & After Kid

P.R. asks from Phoenix

Life before kid & after kid Mine was a traditional arranged marriage, from the moment I got to know him I knew that he was the one... Like any other newly married ...

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