strollers for twins

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Results 81-90 from 659 articles

Crazy Looking for Doubles Strollers with Infant Car Seats

D.S. asks from Denver

I am going crazy looking for the great double stroller that will fit 2 infant car seats. I will have 4 infants soon and am so confused about what makes a good one. ...


Irish Twins (Or Close to It)

R.G. asks from Boston

Hello Moms - My son just turned one the other day. The next morning we found out I am expecting another! I was shocked since it took 6 years to conceive him after hi...


Seeking Advice on Strollers, Infant Seats, Cribs, Etc. for a Newborn/infant...

J.W. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are having a difficult time trying to figure out all the baby gear. We would appreciate any feedback on items/brands. I am due at the beginning of ...


First Road Trip with Twins

E.B. asks from Sacramento

Hello, we will be talking our first long distance road trip to visit both sets of grandparents this Thanksgiving. Neither set of grandparents have any infant/toddler...


Double Strollers

A.K. asks from Charlotte

Hello, When my oldest was born, we bought a Graco Snug Fit car seat carrier. Now that baby #2 is due, and the oldest is 26 months, we'd like to get a double stroller....


Trying to Decide Between 2 Strollers: Uppababy Vista or Baby Jogger City Select?

I.P. asks from Chicago

We finally managed to narrow down our stroller search to the final two options. We saw them both in the store yesterday, and love them both. What we essentially wan...


Travel to LAX with 2 Yr Old Twins and Infant-flight and Car Seat ?S

S.Y. asks from Portland

We are traveling by air to LA for the 1st time with our 2yr old twins and 8mo old infant (her age in Oct. when we travel). I talked to Alaska Air and they said we can...


Seeking Kid /Twins Sales in p.r. Area

D.Z. asks from Chicago

church/school twin sale. need to sell some things...


Need Travel Tips for 17 Month TWINS

J.F. asks from Los Angeles

TWIN MOMS! I'm looking for advise & tips for traveling with 17 month twin boys. We're planning a trip from CA to Texas. Staying with family. Last time we traveled on ...


Heaven Help Us... We're Having Irish Twins!!

D.M. asks from Houston

So... I recently found out I'm pregnant. Again. We thought we were done, but apparently God had other plans. Baby #3 will be born just 2 weeks before baby #2's first ...

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  • during take off and landing in 4 answers "... or milk in a sippy cup so that they can both drink during take off and landing ..."
  • graco duo glider in 2 answers "I have twin daughters and we purchased the Graco Duo Glider Quattro and we really ..."
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