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Results 41-50 from 113 articles

Activities and Things Your 15 Month Old Loves to Do

K.P. asks from Seattle

My son and I need more variety with activities. He is very active, always running around and moving, and has been walking since 8 months old, and can climb on anythin...


1St Birthday Gift

J.T. asks from Seattle

Hi there! Any suggestions on a great 1st Birthday gift that is not a toy or clothing?


9 Month Old Daughter Bored with "Baby" Toys

S.S. asks from Atlanta

My 9 month old daughter is really getting bored with her "baby" toys, as in, it's time to get her new stuff! Does anyone have any suggestions? Some toys are too advan...


How Can I Stop Sleeping with My 4 y.o. and Go Back to My Own Bed?

A.A. asks from Austin

This request was inspired by another mom's request on how to stop their 4 y.o. coming to their bed. My problem is that I started sleeping with him when he was 2 y.o....


Toys for 12 Month Old

K.N. asks from Minneapolis

I have been asked to make a Christmas list for my daughter who by the time Christmas comes along will be 12 months. I am looking for ideas ... maybe your child had a ...


Treatment for Sore Neck and Shoulder Muscles!

P.H. asks from Dallas

Besides get a massage, what do you all do for sore neck and shoulder muscles? I work from home on a computer most of the day and recently my neck and shoulders have ...


Toy Recommendations for 1-Year Old

T.R. asks from Denver

My daughter is turning 1 in a few weeks and am wondering what the latest and greatest toys are for 1-2 year olds. Was thinking of a play kitchen so if anyone has one...


Teaching 2 Year Old NO

J.S. asks from Chicago

I have a 2 year old who we are trying to teach the meaning of NO to, he just laughs or continues to do what he ask him not to do. Any suggestions?? This 2 year old ...


7Month Old Development

S.P. asks from Tampa

My son is 7months old and will not sit up on his own. My oldest son sat up unsupported when he was 5months, I know all kids develop differently, but he has no interes...


AWOL 5 Year Old

C.M. asks from Phoenix

My son has been going through an independent streak. He has decided that it's okay to leave the house and go to a neighbor's house or to the park behind us without pe...

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Answer Highlights

  • busy ball popper in 5 answers "... months this summer and a few gifts they really liked were the Busy Ball Popper ..."
  • epsom salts in 4 answers "The epsom salts bath idea is intriguing--I've never tried it."
  • oldest sons first birthday in 2 answers "But I can tell you two toys that we got around my oldest son's first birthday that ..."
  • toy cell phone in 3 answers "I know that she will be getting a few Little People sets and a toy cell phone."
  • fisher price kitchen in 2 answers "We got the laugh and learn fisher price kitchen when my daughter was ten months she ..."