spotting during 7th week of pregnancy

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Results 51-60 from 63 articles

Early Signs

N.I. asks from New York

I was wondering if anyone can tell me what early signs they might have noticed that gave them a hint that they were pregnant. My period isn't due for a few days. My...


Mirena IUD

K.A. asks from San Diego

I got the iud June 4th and for the first 2 1/2 - 3 Weeks did great light red tint when I wiped is all, then steadily bleed for about 10 Days, now for the last 5 or so...


When Does Breastmilk Usually Begin Being Produced?

C.V. asks from Los Angeles

I'm only 6 months pregnant and I'm already starting to leak a clearish-type breastmilk. I wouldn't care except that I'm wondering if it might mean that I'm going to d...


Mom Doesn't Understand Loss After Miscarriage

N.W. asks from Detroit

I just found out yesterday that I had a very early miscarriage. In fact, I didn't even know I was pregnant until after I had the miscarriage. I was very sad yesterd...


Mirena IUD

M.M. asks from Phoenix

Hi I am considering using Mirena since I now have two and my husband and I are not interested in having any more kids. Does anyone know anything about it or have any...


Seeking Moms Who Have Had Placenta Privia Before.

H.L. asks from New York

I'm wondering if anyone has ever been diagnosed at 16 weeks through ultrasound with placenta privia and whether it went away as the baby grew or if it didn't what you...


Has Anyone Had an IUD?????????

A.D. asks from Great Falls

Hi all you moms out there! I have a quick question, have any of you had IUD's? I just wanted to get some info on them. Good or bad. I really appreciate it! Thanks:...



M.W. asks from Springfield

Hi Mamas, I have recently had a miscarriage. Although I was only 5-7 wks pregnant I have never felt pain like that, even after giving birth naturally with my first ch...


? For Those Who've Had Miscarriages; D & C or Wait It Out?

B.R. asks from Salt Lake City

I'm in the last stages of making sure that I'm actually having a miscarriage (at 7 weeks). The bleeding has been fairly heavy for the last day. My options (once I fou...


Normal Ultrasound Timeline

L.B. asks from Denver

I am 14 weeks and had a very dissapointing visit to my doctor recently. I was told by a lot of people that I should get an ultrasound or at least hear the heartbeat a...

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