sports gyms

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Results 81-90 from 190 articles

7 Yr Old Wants Skate Park Built in Our Little Town

B.D. asks from Augusta

My son likes skateboarding. He recently discovere rob dyrdek on fantasy factory (supervised) and his safe spot skate spot. He came to me this morning and said he want...


Help Need Ideas on Where to Advertise

D.M. asks from Minneapolis

I am getting my licences to be a home daycare this has taken lots of work that I did not know aabout. Well anyways I am on the last end of it. I need some ideas on ...


Need Help for 8 Yr Old Bday Party

E.A. asks from Chicago

My son is turning 8. We are having a hard time coming up with ideas for his party. We have had it at bounce town, monkey Joes, my gym, McDonald's, sky high. I looke...


Activities for Kindergarteners?

K.. asks from Phoenix

Hi mamas :-) Just wondering how many (if any) extra curricular activities you have your Kindergartener in, and what activities do they partake in? I think DD sho...


Birthday Party for 8 Year Old Girl

L.G. asks from Atlanta

Hi, I'm looking for a place to have my, soon to be 8 year old, daughter's Birthday party. I would like to find something other than the Jump parties we've been goin...


Extracurricular Activities for 7 Year Old of Divorced Parents?

A.L. asks from Houston

Hi, my 7 year old daughter is starting to want to participate in gymnastics, dance, etc. I would LOVE to put her in something and I tried last year to put her in dan...


How Do We Get Sponsors for Our Daughters Competition Cheer Expenses?

T.E. asks from Houston

My daughter loves to tumble and tried out and made it on a competive squad for her age group. We can not afford the expense of it. Others have talked about getting ...


Do You Workout at Home?

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have a gym membership but am considering buying equipment to workout at home & drop my membership. I'm considering buying medicine ball, resistance straps, bosu bal...


Recreational Activities for Preschool Boy

M.E. asks from Chicago

I have a soon to be 5 year old boy who is very active at home, but quite shy around others. We've had him in classes at the library and park district since he was an ...


Should I Buy a Wii Fit?

A.M. asks from Denver

I am looking for a fun way to lose a little weight. I amwondering if any of you Mamas have experience with the Wii Fit. Has it helped you lose weight? Do you enjoy...

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Answer Highlights

  • bring your own cake in 2 answers "BOWLING!!! It is inexpensive, you can bring your own cake/cupcakes, they ALL have ..."
  • bought the wii fit in 2 answers "I have a Wii console and recently bought the Wii Fit, but haven't yet used it."
  • tea parties for girls in 2 answers "I have hosted a few tea parties for girls from 4-15."
  • had a skate park in 2 answers "We had a skate park in Augusta not that long ago and it closed."
  • roller skating in 3 answers "bowling, ice skating, roller skating, check to see if there is a pizza place with ..."