Speech-Language Pathologist

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B.A. asks from New York

I have 3.5 year old twins and then a 1.5 year old baby.Twin A is talking and generally brilliant but am having problems with MH (twin B).I just want to know if any on...



S.T. asks from Oklahoma City

At what age do children normally start to stutter(if they do obviously). And if they do is it best to ignore it or to try and get them to a speech pathologist? or jus...


Is My 8 Month Old Boy Overly Active??

L.B. asks from Sacramento

My little boy does not stop once he wakes up. He does not like being held unless you're showing him something new, like walking outside, in a store, or rocking him to...


Should My 5 1/2 Year Old Grand-daughter Repeat SK Because of Her Speech Help!!

L.M. asks from Tampa

My daughter called yesterday, and advised me that between my grand daughter's teacher and speech pathologist, they have decided that she should repeat SK. She is very...


Delayed Speech

J.T. asks from Indianapolis

Hello moms, At her 2-year-old wellness visit, my youngest daughter was diagnosed with a potential delayed speech disorder. I was wondering if anyone else has gone ...


2-Yr Old Stuttering with Small Parts of Words - Fast Onset

C.S. asks from Albany

My 2-yr old is an advanced talker, with large sentences and great enunciation. Within the past week he has started to stutter terribly. He has in the past done the ...


Callier's Preverbal Communication Program for 18-3 1/2 Year Olds

K.M. asks from Dallas

Has anyone had their child in either the summer 6 weeks/fall 12 weeks program called the Preverbal Communication Program (m-th 9:00-11:30am). This is a program offer...


Sudden Stuttering/Disfluency in Toddler

A.R. asks from Boston

Hi Everyone, I hear this is familiar but wanted to hear experiences of mom's who have witnessed disfluency/stuttering with their toddler. My daughter will be 2 1/...


4 Year old-Speech Problem or Normal? L's and N's

J.P. asks from Phoenix

My four year old son had a hard time saying a few different letters, depending on the word. Most L words, such as LION, he just says ION, but it depends on the follow...


21 Month Old Still Not Talking

S.S. asks from Des Moines

My son just turned 21 months old at the end of February & he just started "repeating" mama back to us when we ask him "Can you say mama?" I am told & have read that ...

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