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Results 71-80 from 135 articles

"Mom Seeking Advice Dealing with Boy Trouble"

R.J. asks from Chicago

My 13 year old daughter has just started liking boys. We have talked about sex. I try to be upfront and honest about everything. I am worried though I don't want h...


Are You in or Are You OUT?

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

Fashion wise, what's IN and what's OUT? Perhaps more fun: What's OUT that should be IN? (What things do you miss?) What's IN that should be OUT? (What things do yo...


14 Yo Son Has a Girlfriend

L.R. asks from Grand Rapids

So I'm freaking out a little bit. My 14 yo son going into 9th grade appears to have a girlfriend. She has been texting him on his iPod and the last text displays o...


My Daughter Is a Tomboy

A.N. asks from Fort Wayne

Does anyone out there have a daughter that dresses and acts like a boy? Since about the age of 3 or 4 my daughter has only wanted to shop in the boys dept. She only...


22 Yr Old Daughter Dresses Too Sexy

M.B. asks from Saginaw

Our daughter is in college. I know girls everywhere are wearing leggings as pants and tank tops with bras hanging out, but when I see my daughter dressing like that ...


Modern Feminism - I Just Don't Get It...

J.S. asks from Austin

I don’t understand why my self-proclaimed feminist friend can call herself a feminist for two major reasons: 1) She looks down on women who just a more tradition...


13 Year Old and Makeup?

T.C. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter wants to wear makeup for the first time! (besides lip gloss and chap stick). She says her friend Mandie wears mascara, foundation, concealer, eye liner, p...


18 Year Old Daughter Still in High School

R.W. asks from Cleveland

I have a daughter who is still living at home. She is 18 years old and a senior at High School. We support her financially. She has a Part time job. She feels she ...


Other Single Moms Experiencing Hard Time "Dating"

C.N. asks from Philadelphia

Hi single moms. I am wondering how many of you have this shared experience: A seemingly great guy is interested in dating you, you go out and have a good time... at ...


Going Thru a Rough Time….

S.J. asks from San Francisco

Going thru a rough time…. We been married for 3 years and have a wonderful baby boy but since we been married I have been changing myself to fit the wife he wants ...

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