sensitive ears to noise

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Results 61-70 from 417 articles

Okay to Take 4 Month Old to Fireworks Show?

K.C. asks from Los Angeles

hiya mamas! i am a mother of a 10 yr old & 4 month old. i am wondering what your thoughts are on taking the baby to a 4th of july fireworks show? i'm a little hesitan...


llFour Year Old and POTENTIAL Sensory Processing Disorder

S.M. asks from Boston

Good Morning - approximately one year ago, I wrote about one of my (then) three year old step sons, G, regarding behavioral issues at pre-school/day care and wondere...


Tubes & Airplane!

S.C. asks from Oklahoma City

We Are going on our first family vacation in 6 days. My son got tubes for his ears 11 months ago. Has anyone taken there child on a plane with tubes? Was the cabin...


Potty Training for the Autistic Child

M.B. asks from San Antonio

I need help! I am not sure what i am doing son may be autistic ( i still don't know for sure but testing will be done on mon.) and it seems that he does real...


Whistling Coworker Driving Me Crazy.

K.M. asks from Oklahoma City

I work in a cubicle environment in a small division of a large agency. My coworker, who is separated from me by only a cheap, cloth, partial wall, is loud. All the ti...


My 3 Year Old Has Become Chicken Little!

R.K. asks from Bellingham

About a month ago I took my son to KMart where they were doing construction on the roof. There was a very loud crashing noise while we were inside which scared my son...


Airplanes for Infants

J.E. asks from Spokane

I was wondering if anyone has taken an infant on an airplane. I have heard about peole having their ears "pop" when at a high altitude, and i thought if thats the cas...


Smoke Alarm Will NOT Stop Beeping! X_x

R.J. asks from Seattle

Online, the only answer I can find is to replace the battery (duh).... If it HAD batteries. It doesn't. Its hard wired into the electrical system of the house...


Ear Infections

S.B. asks from Columbia

My doctor just told me my 18 month needs tubes. I wanted to know from other moms with kids that had tubes what to expect. I heard you can not get water in their ear...


2 Year Old Having Tubes Put in and Need Some Advice

K.A. asks from Syracuse

My 2 year old son is going to have tubes in his ears, because of many ear infections. I am not sure what going to happen or expect. Has any parents have had a young c...

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