sanitize toys

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Results 81-90 from 252 articles

Table & Chairs for 19 Month Old. Wood, Plastic, Picnic?

B.R. asks from Salt Lake City

My husband and I work seperate shifts (I'm part time) so that my son doesn't have to go to a babysitter. Because of this, meal times are really relaxed for us. I woul...


Need Advice Quick If Possible

L.N. asks from New York

Bottom line for me is I am concerned about the number of kids in my kids' classrooms who have gotten sick over the last couple of months (stomach virus-2-3 times, str...



M.M. asks from Minneapolis

We moved into a home with an existing sandbox in the yard. My daughter loves it but I am worried about what may be in the sand. What is the current outlook on sandb...


Need Ideas on Keeping Kiddie Pool Clean

T.K. asks from Milwaukee

I've got a toddler pool on my deck & I don't know how to keep it clean. It's a collapsable pool about 6 feet in diameter & I'd rather not have to empty & refill it ev...


A Cold Thats Lasted for 2 Weeks

M.B. asks from Tulsa

I have a 8 month old baby and she has had a cold for 2 weeks now. She has a runny nose, cough and sometimes runs a fever between 100 and 102. I thought she was gettin...


PTO - Want to Get Involved - What's an "Easy" Job?

M.O. asks from Chicago

I'm looking for something I can do from home...someone suggested the Box Tops program? I'd love to help, but am a SAHM with a toddler running around. That limits ...


Can/Should An 18 Month Old Boy Play at McD's/BurgerKing Playland?

A.F. asks from Chicago

This may sound like a dumb question but has anyone let their toddler play & climb at these indoor fast food playland gyms? I know the signs at these places say "Child...


Looking for a Pre-school, Where Do I Begin to Make Our Choice??

3.B. asks from Cleveland

I need input here ladies! My 2.5 yr old will be starting preschool this fall. We are starting to look around, and I really need to know....what do we look for? What q...


Cleaning with Vinager and Water??

S.T. asks from Kansas City

I posted a question yesterday about saving money and a lot of people suggested to clean with vinegar and water can you tell me how much vinegar and water to mix what ...


Good Cleaner for Tub

A.M. asks from Dallas

we are finally about to move our daughter to the big tub for baths...and no one else in our family uses the tub for that - we are shower people. what is a good clean...

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Answer Highlights

  • our school uses regular cleaners in 2 answers "... are cleaning with has anything to do with it. Our school uses regular cleaners ..."
  • absolutely get new sand in 2 answers "I would absolutely get new sand. If the sandbox is an actual wooden box, you can make ..."
  • use baking soda in 2 answers "I mop my floors with it but use baking soda on the toilet and sinks and tub."
  • pool and hot tub in 2 answers "I have a pool and hot tub and am very comfortable with maintaining chemicals so if ..."
  • use white vinegar in 2 answers "... cleans out the drains and leaves them smelling fresh! I use white vinegar ..."