rotovirus vaccine

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3 Year Old with "Neck Hurting" Followed by Throwing Up

As military dependants we are not always offered this vaccine. Our spouses had to have it but it is not manditory ... Rotavirus Vaccine Decision by Monday ...

14 Month Old with No Appetite! Please Help! I Am Worried to Death!!!!

With the rotavirus, she will not eat, will lose weight, but will also gain it .... Next question: Roto Virus Advice ... Rotavirus Vaccine Decision by Monday ...


3 of my kids never got the rotavirus vaccine and only my youngest has. I treat my childrens fevers and colds on an as needed basis and I try things like ...

Shots for Girls 9-26

I used to think any vaccine was a good idea, but now we know that is not always true. The rotavirus vaccine they were pushing for newborns a year ago turned ...

6 Month Shots

She is a vaccine expert and has information on remedies to consider giving your .... Info on Rotovirus Vaccine? ... Rotavirus Vaccine Decision by Monday ...

NEED HELP QUICK!... Very Sick 8 Month Old....

I would make sure the doctor is looking to rule out rotavirus, a major cause of diarhea in very .... How Do Other Moms Feel About the New Rotavirus Vaccine? ...

Lethargic Toddler Recovering from Stomach Virus

Second if she was recently vaccinated find out what she was vaccinated with and find out what the .... Next question: Rotavirus Vaccine Decision by Monday ...

Flu Shot?

As for your 9 month old, it sounds like the rotovirus, which my daughter had a while back. .... Rotavirus Vaccine Decision by Monday ...

Vaccines Necessary for Travel Out of the Country. T or F?

For example, my daughter does not go to school (she's 7 months old), so I did not feel the need for her to get the rotavirus vaccine. ...

Daughter Sick- Need Advice

The doctor believes her mild symptoms were because she had the Rotavirus vaccine . As a result she had no fever and only vomited the one time. ...
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