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Back Pain-how to Talk with the Doctor

T.M. asks from Portland

For a few weeks now i started to have a really bad back pain when I'm laying down. I read A LOT on the internet and of course i got myself a diagnose- ankylosing spon...


Firefighter Husband...

S.G. asks from San Antonio

Okay, I first want to start off giving some info and asking for advice. My Husband is a firefighter who is currently working 2 fire department jobs and going to schoo...


Please Recommend a 2 Year Nursing Program

L.W. asks from Dallas

I enrolled in NCTC for the RN program but I am hearing that it is not a great school. Does anyone know of a really great community/Tech college with a reputable nurs...


Nursing school.....eventually MSN

V.S. asks from Lima

Ok so if you have read my posts before, I am currently enrolled in nursing school. I have 3 small children (4, 22 months & 6 months). I am married to a wonderful man ...


Any Moms Who Have a Degree in Radiology Technology or Surgical Technology....

C.V. asks from Dallas

i am trying to persue a nursing college degree, and would like advice on these degrees. i am caring , and like a rewarding job. any opinions or suggestions. oh and ho...


Am I the Only One Broke???

B.K. asks from Austin

Our family lives paycheck to paycheck. The money is spent before we see it in the bank. Am i the only one? I am a stay at home mother of 3 children. Oldest 13 yea...


Disappointed in Career

V.S. asks from Lima

Hi everyone. A little background of my life before I go into detail. I have been married for almost 7 years. My husband and I have 3 beautiful children, 2 daughters a...


How to Deal with Unemployed Husband

H.C. asks from Dallas

My hubby worked really really hard had 7 classes his last semester of school and now is out and looking for a job. He has had several interviews but has had waaaayyy ...


After Delivery Question

V.S. asks from Lima

I have 3 kids (3 year old daughter, 1 year old daughter & 12 day old son). My 1st pregnancy was a breeze. My 2nd was rough at the end due to developing very severe pr...


HELP!!! In-Law Interference!

S.B. asks from Boca Raton

First of all let me explain how this all started. My fiance and I are 22 years (yes were young), and have two wonderfull little boys. When our oldest son was about 2,...

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