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Results 51-60 from 103 articles

Any Ideas on How to Do a Co-ed Barbie Party?

T.M. asks from Seattle

My daughter is turning 4 in a month and the only party she wants is a Barbie party. There will be 4 or 5 little boys there who are around the same age. Any ideas on...


Dog Names..

T.C. asks from Hickory

I am going tomorrow to buy a chocolate lab male puppy and i am having a hard time finding a name that i like... i need suggestions..... thanks!


What Do Your Kiddos Want to Be?

E.B. asks from Seattle

This is stemmed off of the Career question we had yesterday...because S H had mentioned she wanted to be a NINJA growing up.....I too have a ninja want to be here:) ...


Am I Overreacting?

C.S. asks from Detroit

My fiance is close with his ex-wife. I feel it is to close. My parents are divorced and friends of mine who's parents are divorced were never this close. Before he pr...


Suggestions on How to Keep 4 Year Old Boy Occupied on Plane

L.M. asks from Minneapolis

I am traveling with my 2 children for their first airplane ride. While my six year old can keep herself occupied with coloring, games, toys I am a little worried tha...


10-Year-old Really Sensitive to Movie Scenes

W.W. asks from Los Angeles

My 10-year-old son is really sensitive to certain movie scenes. If it has blood or any kind of violence or death, he gets really scared to the point of shaking. I d...


Self Esteem

S.O. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have any ideas on how to help a ten year old with self esteem issues? I tell her all the time she is wonderful, beautiful, how much I love her and I can t...


Good Family Dogs

G.W. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know of any good kid-friendly dogs? We were looking at the Beagle, Cockerspaniels, and Wheaton terriers. I two little ones under the age of 3. Any suggest...


Im Just a Man Needing Womens Advice Please

C.S. asks from Little Rock

First of all I want to say that I am not trying to offend anyone by being a man and posting a question when it states mamapedia.. But I really could use womens advice...


Boy in Pool and Underwater for Almost 5 Minutes

C.A. asks from Dallas

Not sure if this link will work or not??,AAAABvb_erE~,dDIpI6jUI3R0JkReEkUnzzgTW3ZgBffd&bclid...

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