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Relationship Question

V.D. asks from Dubuque

I have read a lot of requests about when the female in the relationship has no sex drive but how about when its the Male. I am 30 my husband is 43. He just has no i...


Relationship Counselling

H.C. asks from Portland

Hi Moms, I am looking for a referral for a really good counselor. My partner and I are facing major, major! issues in our relationship and they have been festering f...


Interracial Relationship

A.M. asks from Washington DC

My daughter appears to be very much in love with a black man. I have met him on several occasions and find him to be very much a gentleman and kind to my daughter. ...


Relationship Advice

T.G. asks from Cleveland

OK Ladies I need some advice and this is the only place I can really think to go at this point. My husband has cheated on me in the past and in the end I have ended u...


Depression over Relationship

J.C. asks from Columbus

Ugh! I've started and stopped and started this post about ten times already. I can't put into words how confused I am and have been for the last two weeks or so. It h...


Relationship Issues

K.B. asks from New London

I am in a relationship with a man who is constantly finding something wrong with everything i do. This is the father of my two year old daughter. We are finding our...


Should I Move on from This Relationship?

T.R. asks from Austin

I was looking on and found the guy I have been dating on there as member for less than 2 weeks. I think the problem is me! I think I am too fat for so...


Relationship and Pregnancies

S.S. asks from Binghamton

Hello Mommas and some Daddies, I have an issue I have been struggling with. I am planning on taking the plunge into the dating world after a 7 years(roughly) hiat...


Relationship Issue

T.K. asks from Dallas

You guys know my ups and downs. I was riding high and loving life and praising constantly, looking for ways to show my honey how much I appreciate him and generally ...


Is This a Normal Relationship?

S.B. asks from Dallas

Moms, I need your help. My husband and I have been married for nearly 3 years. Before our marriage, we lived apart for a few years into the relationship, so our i...

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