
Related Questions & Answers

Results 31-40 from 212 articles

What to Feed 18-Month-old on Vacation?

L.C. asks from Scranton

I need breakfast ideas, primarily. He's never been the type of baby to eat a few cheerios in the morning. He has hot breakfast every day - eggs, french toast, waffles...


Quick Easy Lunches

W.B. asks from Flagstaff

ok with homeschooling lunchtime usually sneaks up on us pretty fast.I do mosty from scratch meals and bake my own bread but i'm wondering if you guys have any ideas o...


My Grubby Refrigerator

S.B. asks from Dallas

Anyone have any tips on keeping smudges, finger prints and water stains off a stainless steel refrigerator? No matter how often we clean it, it always looks a mess. ...


How Long Will Buttercream Frosting Keep?

N.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hey all you baking Mamas out there! I'm trying to get the jump on prep work for birthday cakes and am making a butter cream frosting using the C&H powdered sugar rec...


8Hr Flight W/ Pre-loaded Syringes Needing Refrigeration

M.S. asks from Dallas

I take medicine (Enbrel) in a pre-loaded syringe once a week, which has to be refrigerated. I'm going on an 8 hour flight and need to take 2 syringes. The company p...


Looking for a Good Chicken on the Barbie Recipe

M.R. asks from New York

I am looking for a good easy chicken on the barbeque recipe. Boneless chcken breasts........


Breastmilk Going Sour Quickly

M.F. asks from Phoenix

In the last couple months, I've noticed my breastmilk is going sour very quickly in the fridge and I was wondering if any other moms had this problem and have any rec...

8 To Hard Boil

L.H. asks from Dallas

Hey ladies, I have a question for you. How do you hard boil eggs, without them cracking? I am getting ready to boil eggs for my son to dye and I always have some t...


2 Month Old Baby Going on 3 Soon Drooling like Crazy...

M.W. asks from Chicago

Hi my 2 month old baby is drooling very much its exagerated he soaks his clothes very easily, i dont explain myself why i read that it is because of teething but isnt...

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Answer Highlights

  • make frozen french toast in 2 answers "I know they also make frozen french toast (not sure if it is Pillsbury or not). You ..."
  • cook it until its super in 2 answers "but dont bother to puree it. just cook it until its super super soft."
  • lots of bibs on hand in 2 answers "Just have lots of bibs on hand."
  • sweet baby rays in 3 answers "... are in a hurry, after cooking on the grill, we just based with Sweet Baby Rays ..."
  • heat them in the microwave in 2 answers "You just heat them in the microwave for 30-60 seconds and they are really yummy!"