private insurance

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Results 71-80 from 3,235 articles

Family Insurance Under Obama

J.S. asks from Austin

Can someone please explain to me how Obamacare has helped with the cost/availability of medical insurance. I don't want to start a political discussion based on feeli...


Pet Health Insurance?

L.D. asks from Detroit

I was reading a post on possibly adopting a puppy and a poster mentioned getting animal insurance. Can you tell me about this? Coverage, costs, good or bad animal h...


Health Insurance Recommendation

D.G. asks from Austin

We are having issues with our health insurance for our 7 month old. She hasn't been ill aside from an ear infection but insurance hasn;t covered her wellness checks ...


Settling with the Insurance over a Car Accident

S.K. asks from Denver

about a year ago my husband was rear-ended in his cop car by a driver who fell asleep while on ambien. It totalled his car and shoved his duty belt into his back. H...


Temporary Insurance...please Help!!!!

J.M. asks from Dallas

Hi Mommies!!! I am in great need of your expert insurance knowledge. After my maternity leave is up in end of April 2008- I will no longer be working full-time and ...


Pregnant - No Maternity Insurance

A.P. asks from Dallas

My husband and I have private insurance that does not cover any maternity related costs, (except for complications such as gestational diabetes or other medical condi...


My Health Insurance Ends

E. asks from Minneapolis

I just found out that I am pregnant and right now we are on Minnesotacare. We are up for renewal and we may have made too much money to qualify again. I know that nex...


Way to Compare Insurance Companies?

S.E. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I get mail all the time telling me how much money I will save by switching to this or that insurance company. We currently have all our insurance (car, hou...


Health Insurance and Ambulance Bill

M.P. asks from Portland

My cousin had Health Net Insurance and Medicare. I just received a notice from Health Net for the ambulance ride to the hospital and apparently they don't cover any ...


Temporary Health Insurance

R.G. asks from San Francisco

Hello mamas, My husband was laid off from his job with no severance package and our health insurance terminated as of March 16th. I do not have a job outside the ...

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