pregnancy week 21

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Helping 21 Month Old Stay Asleep

J.J. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 21 month old son and have been having some trouble with his sleeping patterns. I am completely against the Ferber method for him and have chosen not to let ...


Paranoia in Pregnancy?

L.C. asks from Lawrence

I have PCOS and my husband and I tried for 15 months before we got pregnant. Apparently I had never even ovulated before, but a month after I started seeing an acupu...


Swelling and Pregnancy

A.M. asks from New York

Hi, I am almost 7 months pregnant with baby no. 2! and so far everything has gone very well. My biggest and really only issue right now is swelling. I'm not sure why...


Slightly Dilated Kidney in 21 Week US

J.M. asks from Dallas

Last week I had an US and during my prenatal visit the OB said one of his kidneys was slightly dilated. She repeatedly said this is nothing to worry over and that we ...


Pregnancy and Mirena...

S.A. asks from Stockton

Hi...I was wondering if anybody new how likely it is to get pregnant while using Mirena, or if pregnancy symptoms are a common side affect? I got Mirena put in about...


Molar Pregnancy...

C.C. asks from Eau Claire

So finally after the last 2 weeks of dr appt after dr appt, I have a confirmed molar pregnancy. I'm fine with that, and with the fact that tomorrow morning I'm havin...


How to Keep a 21 Month Old Busy?

S.S. asks from Minneapolis

I should really be good at this by now, but I'm having a very hard time figuring out how to keep my 21-month-old busy. He's into EVERYTHING and doesn't seem to have a...


Pregnancy? Miscarriage?

D.T. asks from Muncie

This past Wednesday (Nov.2nd) I took an OTC pregnancy test. I'd had been feeling "odd" the past few days and spotting, which I don't normally do, plus my period was o...


Pregnancy with a Pacemaker

J.H. asks from Visalia

Let me preface this with the fact that I will discuss this with my doctors but I was hoping someone has maybe gone through this or will have some knowledgable input. ...


21 Means Inexperienced? (Piggy Back from Pam's Question)

M.D. asks from Washington DC

I saw a lot of responses to Pam's question saying that at 21 a person has no idea what it's like to struggle. Where is that? I had my first baby at 20 and struggled l...

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