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Results 61-70 from 1,508 articles

Pregnancy Worries After Previous Miscarriages

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

Last week I missed my period and took a positive pregnancy test, which makes me 5 weeks pregnant. I was excited and calm about it last week, but am already starting t...


How to Stay Positive About Pregnancy...

M.H. asks from Raleigh

So with my first son (5 years ago), I didn't seem to have a care in the world while I was pregnant. I never once second guessed anything (I also didn't know everythin...


Going off of Lexapro and Lexapro During Pregnancy

A.B. asks from Madison

Hi, I had been on Lexapro 10mg for anxiety for the past year or so. My husband and I started thinking we would like to try for baby #3, so after consulting w/ my ps...


Early Pregnancy "Spotting"

J.P. asks from Tampa

Hi Moms, I really need your opinions today. I'm about 11 weeks along, and I'm waiting for my pregnancy medicaid to go through. So I haven't seen a Dr. yet. I had a ...


Progesterone Therapy During Pregnancy

J.L. asks from Seattle

I'm wondering if anyone has had progesterone therapy during pregnancy. My daughter was born 7 weeks premature, and it was suggested by my perinatologist that we try ...


Confusion on Taking Deltasone During Pregnancy

A.R. asks from Norfolk

I have had up and down platelet counts throughout my pregnancy and just recently(I am now in my 8th month) they flew down to 39,000(previously being 88,000 and the ti...


Seeking Women Who Have Had an Ectopic Pregnancy

M.I. asks from Lexington

I'm 29 years old and recently suffered the loss of my 8 week old pregancy to an ectopic pregnancy. It has been a hard time for me both physically and mentally. I wa...


Hair Loss After Pregnancy

S.L. asks from Phoenix

I had 3 babies back in august, and I am now losing my hair in clumps. I know during pregnancy your body holds on to everything it can, so I have heard of a lot of ha...


Successful Pregnancy After 3 Miscarriages?

R.S. asks from Albany

I have been trying to conceive for almost two years now and just suffered a third miscarriage last week. Have any of you had this many miscarriages and gone on to ha...


Blood Pressue in Pregnancy

V.S. asks from Lima

I am pregnant with my 3rd child (Child #1 is almost 3 and child #2 is 7 months). I am under some stress because of my toddler more than anything. She has quite the at...

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Answer Highlights

  • had 3 ectopic pregnancies in 2 answers "... and I can truly sympathize with how you feel. I have had 3 ectopic pregnancies."
  • having high blood pressure in 2 answers "Also, just having high blood pressure in pregnancy is not a diagnosis of preeclampsia."
  • had one ectopic pregnancy in 2 answers "I just made sure to let my OB know that I had one ectopic pregnancy and they scheduled ..."
  • put your mind at ease in 2 answers "It can't hurt, and it can put your mind at ease, and it might even help you to know ..."
  • had an ectopic pregnancy in 6 answers "I also had an ectopic pregnancy about ten years ago, and I know how hard that is."