potty training in daycare

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Potty Training

S.S. asks from Kansas City

I have a 23 month old son and I was wondering when I should start potty training him. He is one of those kids that is constantly running. I am afraid that I will not ...


Potty Training

T.S. asks from San Diego

My little boy just turned 2 last week and I was wondering when to start potty training and how to go about it. He hides every time he goes poop and I have heard that...


Potty Training...

E.H. asks from Lakeland

I guess I should start at the beginning. When my 2½ year old daughter was 18 months she was definitely ready for the potty. She showed all the signs and was doing re...


Potty Training

A.B. asks from Minneapolis

Hi. My son is now about 22 months and I believe is showing some signs of potty training readiness, but I'm sort of stuck on where to begin. We have the potty, and h...


Potty Training

S.I. asks from Johnson City

I heard of someone who used the book "Potty Training Boot Camp" for their 20 month old and apparently it worked. I'm thinking of buying it. What books have you moms u...


Potty Training at Daycare

C.D. asks from Waterloo

I do daycare at my home, anyway one of the kids that I care for is potty trained EVERY where else but at my house. I am so frustrated!! They parents do not bring a ch...


Potty Training

D. asks from Milwaukee

asking for advice on how to get my 2.5 yr old son interested in potty training. he just recently goes in his training pants and does not care that he is wet, he lau...


Potty Training

L.S. asks from Sherman

My daughter turned 2 last week and at her well-child check-up on Monday, the pediatrician suggested we start potty training because she had signs of readiness. We sta...


Potty Training

M.N. asks from Dallas

My daughter turned 3 in May so she is 3 years and 5 months old. She has no interest in potty training. She does not care about a dirty pull up or diaper. She fusses w...


Potty Training

A.P. asks from St. Louis

Looking for any advice for my son who will be 3 next month and has no interest in potty training. We went thru a stage a couple of months ago where he was intereste...

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Answer Highlights

  • big girl panties in 3 answers "I did take away certain privlidges for not wearing big girl panties."
  • big girl panties in 2 answers "I would put her in big girl panties, and let her run around in them."
  • tell him to aim in 2 answers "I would put a couple of Cheerios in the bottom and tell him to aim and hit the hole ..."
  • big boy underwear in 2 answers "I took him to the store with me, let him pick out his own big boy underwear so he ..."
  • signs of being ready in 2 answers "... potty training it is about consistency, the child showing signs of being ready ..."